First Day

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"Mika, it's time to go!!!" Eren yelled from the bottom of the stairs as I finished getting ready for my first day of school. Mikasa and Eren have been great and supportive. Eren is going to introduce me to his best friend and his boyfriend today!!! Yes, Eren is gay and that makes me love him even more!!!
"Coming!!" I yell as I grab my bag and run downstairs. "Let's go!!!" I say as I head out the door and down the street before Eren grabs my bag and pulls me the other direction.

When we reach the school I go to the office and get map of the school and my schedule. I put all my crap into my locker and head to my first class, Math.

When I get to class, I sit in the back next to a really cute blonde boy with blue eyes. The teacher is Mr. Erwin.
"Mikala, please come up to the front and introduce yourself. Class, you may ask her a few questions before we start." Mr. Erwin says, and I go up to the front shyly and look at the ground.
"I'm Mikala Jaeger, but please call me Mika." I say and I raise my head to see people with their hands up. I choose a girl with brownish/purple hair and glasses who seemed really excited.
"I'm Hanji, ok. So are you Erens sister or what?" She asks and I nod.
"Ya, his parents adopted me so now him and Mikasa are my siblings."
I then picked a blonde guy who looked like a horse.
"What happened to your parents?" He asks, and I just close my eyes, holding back the threatening tears. I shake my head and look at Mr. Erwin, and he tells the class to be quiet because he was going to start the lesson.
I walk back to my seat and get out my stuff, already knowing what he was teaching. I look down at my hands and let silent tears roll down my face as the question keeps repeating itself inside my head.
I see a note land on my desk and I pick it up and read it, wiping away the salty tears. Are you okay, Mika? I look around the room to see who sent the note to see the blonde next to me looking at me. I slowly nod, then decide against it and shake my head, telling the truth. Another note flies to my desk and I read this one as well. Meet me at the willow tree during lunch. I look at him and nod, and he smiles at me and my heart speeds up and my face gets hot. Why am I acting like this? He just wants me to meet him during lunch which is in two periods.

At lunch I take the lunch I made and walk over to the willow tree to see the blonde waiting for me. I never caught his name though. Eren has the lunch after forth period and so does Mikasa so I can't see them. I walk over to him and he smiles at me, and I smile back. His smile is so contagious!
"Hi Mika!" He says as I sit down next to him, but not to close. I can't get close to anyone, I'll loose them to.
"Hello... I don't think I really got your name Blue Eyes." He blushes at my little nickname for him, and I blush as well. He holds out his hand and I take it, and we shake hands.
"I'm Armin Arlert. Eren was telling me that he got a new sister!" He says excitedly, and I giggle. Wait, how does Armin know Eren?
"How do you know Eren?"
"Well, he is my best friend! He was going to have me meet you after school today, but then I realized you were in my math class. So I wanted to meet you on my own!" He smiled at me again, and I felt my heart melt. He is adorable!
"Oh cool!!! Well, I'm glad!" I say and I smile, but the smile isn't genuine, really. I'm still thinking of what Horse Face said during math...
"Doesn't look like it. What's wrong? Why were you crying during math?" He asks, looking curious about the answer. Like he actually wants to know. I look down at the ground and decide to tell him.
"Well, when Horse Face asked me what happened to my parents, it reminded me of what did happen, and I don't like remembering." I say and look up at him, to see concern and sadness on his face.
"What did happen to them? I know how you feel though, my parents died when I was younger." I look at him sadly, but not with pity. I hate when people look at me with pity, and so I don't give pity.
"I'm sorry. My parents were killed by a drunk driver when they were on their way home because I was sick..." I look away from Armin and look at the willow tree instead.
"I'm sorry Mikala. That must have been hard. Oh, would you like some help catching up in your classes?" He asks me, and I look back at him. I'm really smart and don't really need it, but I want to hang out with Armin more, he seems like a great person. I nod and look at my lunch and start eating, so does Armin.

My New Life (Armin/ AOT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora