The Reveal

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The next morning finally dawned. Celene woke up in a blissful state. Even the morning sunlight wasn't at all irritating. She found Nate's face, inches away from hers. She couldn't care less of morning breaths her human body would possess and started kissing him. His eyes fluttered as he woke up. At first, he seemed to be shocked but as soon as he found her face, he kissed her back, gently and lovingly.

"Good morning," he finally spoke in between their kisses.

"Morning," Celene replied happily.

Nate then moved his arm to Celene's back and meaning to caress it. Instead, he felt something sharp that made him jumped into a sitting position and shouted, "Ouch!"

"What's wrong?" Celene suddenly was alarmed, then sat quickly.

"I-I felt something sharp, on your back," Nate informed her.

Celene was about to glance over her back when she noticed something rather odd on the bed. White feathers. Where do these come from? A flock of pigeons watching us made love last night? Celene wondered. She looked at Nate and finally noticed.

"Nate, are those... wings?" she questioned, pointing towards his back.

"What?" Nate sounded confused then glanced at his back.

He didn't understand either. It wasn't supposed to happen. Those wings were not supposed to come out under any circumstances, unless... Wait, what happened with Celene's skin?

"Celene, look at your arms... and legs," he told her, becoming more and more curious.

Celene did and gasped. "This is not possible," she muttered under her breath.

She went to look at Nate again.

"What are you?" she demanded.

"I could ask you the same thing," Nate replied.

Suddenly, it dawned to both of them. Last night was a mistake. They realized they were never supposed to make love to each other. They were not supposed to be together at all, at any cost. Nate was an angel. The pure white wings gave away that much. And Celene was a demon, half of her was anyway. Still, their union was not allowed, was forbidden. Sooner than expected, the universe would get upset, and so would the heaven above and hell below.

"Celene, I..." Nate started but didn't know how to continue.

"You're an angel," Celene stated a matter-of-factly.

Nate looked down and nodded. Celene sighed, exasperated.

"I can't believe this. I lost my virginity to an angel! My father is going to flip. He's going to kill me. You... We shouldn't. It's wrong, it's forbidden. It's the one law I can't break and I did! All this time, the universe was trying to warn me. I couldn't hear your thoughts, I was drawn to you, I lost my appetite for chaos and I... I fell in love with you. No, but that's not possible. I wasn't supposed to be capable of love. I was created for chaos and mayhem, all the makings of a demon. With you, I wanted to do good. I ignored every single warning given to me. How could I let this happen?" Celene said, mostly to herself.

"And all this time..." Nate sounded like he just realized something.

"What?" Celene asked, tears starting to fill out her eyes, which already turned back to her brilliant blue ones.

"I was drawn to you too. I felt like I needed to help you. Usually, hunches like these ones only came around when I sensed someone was going to do bad things and I needed to help them see the right path. Maybe, being... being what you are, drawn me to keep an eye for you. I don't understand at first, because you seem to be doing so fine, out of trouble and all... But then I felt like I needed you, that you set a fire in me I didn't know I have. I felt a burning passion to be with you. And I felt... love. I think I love you, Celene," Nate explained.

"Love?!" Celene exclaimed.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't feel that way too!" he pleaded.

Celene looked into his warm brown eyes and melted once again. She then shook her head.

"No, Nate. Don't you go talking about love when we are wrong! Isn't the fact that we are complete opposite enough to make you realize we don't belong together?" she demanded, half panicking. Nate could almost see the italics in her sentence.

"But, Celene, there is something so universal that all creatures have the potential to have it. It's love. You can't ignore it, Celene. And maybe we don't have to. What if our love is stronger? Maybe they'll let us be!" Nate suggested, his beautiful eyes beaming with hope.

"They won't let us be. I don't think I will let us be. Get out!" Celene ordered, her heart beat racing to full speed inside of her.

"What?" Nate's eyes widened in disbelief, wishing what he just heard was wrong.

"You heard me," Celene said coldly in a low tone.

"No, no, Celene. Please, listen to me. I can't just go... Not after last night," Nate pleaded.

Celene deliberately turned her head away from him. She knew she would not be able to resist such a plea, coming from an angel. Literally. She took a deep breath and muttered a single word, "Go."

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