First Goodbye

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Upon the departure of her father, and after she embraced her trusted butler for she didn't know how long, she finally got up and rushed upstairs. She took a paper and a pen, and scribbled something on it fast. She folded the paper into a tiny piece and grabbed a hand band made of black leather. She slipped the paper inside, securing it and making sure it wouldn't fall out. Then, she ran downstairs and saw Howard, waiting for her.

I took the liberty of finding out where he lives, he thought, knowing Celene would be able to read his mind. He handed a little piece of note with an address written on it.

"Nate's?" Celene asked, making sure.

Howard nodded. Celene read the address. It wasn't too far.

"Roy's still around?" she inquired, looking up from the paper to Howard. It was ten o'clock at night and her driver was usually dismissed by six. But since yesterday was her birthday party, there might be a chance that Howard told him to spend the night, in case there are some things or someone that needed transport outside of his working hours .

"Yes," Howard answered. Do you want me to get him? His mind asked before he could say anything.

Celene nodded. Howard then went to get the driver, while Celene waited anxiously. She didn't quite know what to feel. She knew as well as Howard did that that night might be her last on earth.

Not might. It is your last night, her mind retorted. Then it played again its memory of what Agronos, her father, told her moments before. It is your last night, unless you decide to leave Nate alone, her mind added.

Celene sighed. She hated the fact that she didn't have choices handed to her on a silver platter. Why did it have to end this way?

Howard returned, finding Celene already standing by the door, ajar.

The limousine will be out in a minute, he informed her.

Celene then dared herself to look Howard into the eyes. The man in front of her had seen many years in his life. Many were spent taking care of her. She couldn't help but to feel rather sad, having to leave such a lovely figure behind. Howard had been somewhat like a father to her, not that she knew what a father figure was supposed to be like. Agronos was never around. He would only come once a year, on her birthday, to give special gifts, new spells or an additional enhancement to her inborn powers. Howard, however, had always been there, since the day Celene was born. She would miss him terribly, if she had not already.

"Howard..." she began.

Yes, Miss Winslow? Howard looked up to meet her gaze. Tears swelled up in his eyes, knowing it was the end. Howard loved Celene like he would if he had a daughter. He dedicated almost half of his life for her and it hardly seemed fair to have her be taken away from him. He felt as if he had lost a daughter.

"I don't know what to say, but... You're... I... I'm not good at goodbyes. I don't have to. I never have to say goodbye. I... Howard... You're such a wonderful person. I can't picture a better guardian than you. You're... You're like a father to me... And for that... I..." Celene stuttered at her words, trembling as she felt tears began to gather in her eyes.

She shook her head lightly before whispering her last words to Howard, "Thank you..."

"I will miss you, Miss Winslow," Howard told her, also trembling.

"Just Celene, please... And I will miss you too, Howard. Greatly," Celene replied, holding back her tears.

"Take care, Celene," Howard said as the limousine arrived in front of the mansion.

"Goodbye, Howard," Celene still half-whispered. She then hugged him again, tightly, and held it there for a few seconds.

"Goodbye, Celene," he replied, opening the door of the limousine as Celene stepped in. He took a step back after closing the door. Celene then opened the window and waved a little, knowing a little part of her just died. Would it be as bad when I have to say goodbye to Nate? She wondered, then decided she would not say such word. She could still hope to meet him again, someday, in some other occasion. Maybe, just maybe, she could have another chance. 

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