What the Fu*k?

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Like always i got home around 3:12 greeted to a empty house with my parents at work, but today was different the atmosphere was gloomy and weird  like the weather and i knew it had a bad outcome because my parents were home they're never get home until like 12 or 1 am something is up ! 

"Hey" i said awkwardly throwing my bag on the floor and sitting on a stool in the kitchen "hey honey" my mom smiled standing next to my dad "um why are you guys here so early?" i asked fiddling with my fingers "we didnt have work" my dad answered for my mom, they always have work "guys i know you're hiding something please just say it" i whined 

"Bella your dad and I..." she started to say but stopped "... you guys are having another child ?" i tried to finish it "no, no , no" my mom laughed "Bella, were moving" my dad blurted "mo-moving?" i asked sadly "what ! where? why?!" i asked "were moving to California " he answered "California as in the in US?" i gulped "yes" "NO! I DONT WANNA MOVE across the world" i yelled grabbing my bag and running upstairs "Bella" my mom yelled as i slammed my door.

 What about life here in England? I know England can be a bummer with its gloomy, rainy weather but i love it here. California has so many oppurnities but doesnt mean that they will happen for me I- "Bella" my dad said knocking on the door "leave me alone!" i cried tears were falling like a waterfall "Bella, we have to move my job is moving me not me" he sighed coming in "we'll be ok we have alot of money without them we can stay here" i tried to persuade him 

"Honey i wish we could but its for the better , and theres alot of good things in California" he replied trying to make it seem good "i dont care about that i wanna stay here, i'll never love California like i love England" "Bella im sorry but we have to move and thats final" was all he said before he left my room, i'm gonna hate California so much!

The day consisted of me packing and avoiding my parents, i havent even broken the news to my best friends they're gonna be devasted, tomorrow is my last day of school then the next day we're flying to Cali which is like 11 hours away. The best part is that its about to be Summer and its gonna be hard to make friends hope you notcied the sarcasm !

I woke up grumpy and very early the next morning not wanting to go to school but i had to break the news to my friends. I put my uniform on and put my hair in my usual bun and put a lil mascara and lip gloss on and grabbed my bag going downstairs. As i walked downstairs still avoiding my parents who roamed the kitchen packing still i ran out the door "BELLA!" my dad yelled my name as i scurried off 

I waited at the corner for my best friend David "hello love" he smiled walking up to me "hi" i half smiled "whats wrong?" he asked raising a brow "im moving" i whispered "what?!" he asked exasperatedly "yea im moving to America, actually California" i sighed "but we're suppose to Graudate together in 2 years and travel the world" he frowned "i know i know, but i can still visit and you the others and you guys can visit me" i replied trying to make him feel happy "im gonna miss you so much" he replied hugging me.

I skipped the whole of school day and hung with my friends in the stairways "we're so gonna miss you, we're gonna have to skype all the time" my friend Lily expressed peeling a banana "i know and we will, im gonna hate Cali so much" "i know you hate that you're moving but there are so many opportunites there" my other friend Amy commented "you sound just like my dad, but that doesnt mean that im gonna get those oppurtunites" i frowned 

It seemed like the school day went by fast, usually on your last day of school it takes forever. I was living early tomorrow morning. They already shipped half of our stuff to the new house except for the minor things we could buy again

The day i was dreading so much came fast as hell... MOVING DAY! I didnt wanna go, i dont know the last time i'd see my best friends. We made our way through the crowded airport to our gate. I was grumpily sitting in my seat waiting for them to announce our flight so we could board when i heard a squeal and was tackeld to the ground "ouch" i hissed at whatever or whoever knocked me down "what the fu*k is wrong wi-?" i began to say when i saw David, Lily and Amy grinning wide as hell "omg guys what are you doing here?" i happily shouted "obviously to see our best friend leave" Amy laughed sarcastically "we couldnt just let you leave without saying goodbye" David smiled "we got you something" Lily smiled holding out a bracelet that had little pictures of their faces and british flags "omg thank you guys" i cried hugging them tightly "Flight 187 to California is now boarding" someone announced over the intercom "thats my flight" i sniffled, i each gave them a kiss and a hug "love you guys" i smiled still crying "we love you too, have fun for us in Cali" David smiled as i grabbed my luggage and made my way to the plane. Taking one last look back i sadly smiled, i dont know the next time i'd see them we've all  been friends since Kindergarten.

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