Chase The Sun

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Bella's POV

I woke up the next morning happy as ever, who knew i'd grow to live Cali? I checked my phones to see i had a text from Jaden

From: Jaden

Goodmorning Beautiful :* 

To: Jaden

Goodmorning Handsome

From: Jaden

How you sleep?

To: Jaden

Good, hbu?

From: Jaden

Good, especially knowing were talking :), what are you doing today?

To: Jaden

awwwe :*, nothing crazy, its raining

From: Jaden

If it stops, wanna go to the beach?

To: Jaden

Id love too, brb gonna go eat :*

From: Jaden

ok babe, text me when youre done :*

i skipped downstairs to see my dad reading the paper and my mom making pancakes "goodmorning" i smiled grabbing a cup, pouring some orange "someones extra happy today, i wonder why" my laugh smirked "maybe that boy, you went on a date with?" my dad smiled putting down his paper "maybe" i blushed sitting at the table "you know you have to tell me how it went later right" my mom winked handing my a plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes "i got you" i laughed licking my lips at the sight of food

After i finished my food i took a nice hot shower and cuddled up in my bed watching spongebob when my phone vibrated 

From: Jaden

you forgot about me :'(

To: Jaden

sorry >.< , how can i make it up?

From: Jaden

well..... the rain stopped a while ago, go to the beach with me, its still kinda wet tho so yea :)

To: Jaden

Ok :) ill be ready in 15 :P

From: Jaden

ill be there in 10 :P 

To: Jaden

-_- lol

From: Jaden 

I jumped outta bed, walking into my closet, grabbed some black harlem pants and a  white baggy t shirt and converse "bye mom and dad" i yelled running down the stairs putting my hair in a bun. I met Jaden at the boardwalk he had on black harlem pants and a msfts shirt and black vans  "hey babe" he smiled hugging me and kissing my forehead "hey" i smiled hugging back "lets go" he smiled grabbing my hand and pulling me on the beach "Jaden let me take off my shoes" i laughed pulling them off "i need to take mine off too" he laughed

We walked on the beach hand and hand, walking thru the little bit of water that reached the shore "wanna sit down and watch the sunset?" Jaden asked "yea" i smiled, sat between his legs "Bella" "yes?" i asked turning my head too look at Jaden "im so happy youre here" he smiled "im happy too, very happy because of you" i smiled kissing him 

The sunsetting was so beautiful, we just stared at how the sky turned pink and blue making it look slightly purple and how the last bit of sun shined on the ripples in the ocean. I guess we fell asleep, i woke up with Jadens arms wrapped around my waist, we were still at the beach it was dark and the moon was now up "Jaden wake up, Jaden we fell asleep" i laughed poking him "huh?" he asked opening his eyes "we fell alseep on the beach" i laughed "oop" he laughed "im hungry" i frowned as my stomach growled "lets go find food" he smiled getting up.

We walked too this little resturant, it was quiet and occupied with a old couple and the workers "what can i get you?" a guy waiter asked "um ill get the bacon burger with a side of fries" Jaden smiled handing the guy his menu "and how about you beautiful?" the waiter asked me, i glanced over at Jaden too see him with a mad expression "um the same" i replied quickly so he could go away "Jaden calm down" i grabbed his hand "why would he flirt with you,im right here" he asked "i dont know some guys have no respect"

We ate and chatted, i told him stories about England and he told me some stories about being famous i actually forgot that he was. It was getting late so jaden walked me home "so how you liking Cali?" he smiled "im liking it alot you know i thought i would hate it " i smiled back "im glad you like it" he smiled back hugging me "goodnight Jay" i kissed him and ran in the house 

I havent updated in forever but i promise i will now :O who wants to be in the story ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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