New Ending Chapter:1

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New Ending Chapter: 1

It was weird now, realizing that Darry did really care about me. I mean, I always kind of thought he didn't like me. I didn't think he hated me, it was just like he was always mad at me, and it was like I could never make him happy. And what was it of his business, getting mad at me for my marks. Sometimes it just seemed like he knew me about as well as someone I just met. It's okay now, though. Seeing him when I was in the hospital made me understand how much actually cares about me.

I sit up groggily from my bed.

'Man I need a cigarette.' I thought out loud.

I almost fell back to sleep when I heard a pounding on the door. Quickly I jumped out of bed and got some jeans on. I wince in pain as one of my stitches pulls.

'Who would be at the door at this time?' I think.

'The doors open!' I yell cautiously.

The door opens with a familiar creak. In walks a tall man dressed in a police officer suit. He walks in carefully, slowly, almost scared. This must be pretty serious.

"Are you Ponyboy Curtis?" The officer asks.

"Y-Yea" A lump starts to grow in my throat. Suddenly I really wish Darry was here.

"My name is Officer Barns. I hate to inform you this, but we have contacted Social Services about your living arrangements-" The officer says. He continues to talk, but I'm not listening anymore. The tears I was holding back began to fall out of my eyes. I quickly wipe them away, greasers don't cry in public. It feels like the lump in my throat is going to choke me.

"What?" I cried. "I love Darry and Soda! You can't take me away." This was terrible. Soda and Darry would feel awful. "Please Officer!" I begged. I couldn't let them take me away! The Officer continued to talk, but I was already thinking of a plan. I needed to find Darry and Soda. They would help.

I was already in action before the cop even realized it. I grabbed a sweater and ran through the door before he could catch me. Luckily my copy of Gone with the Wind was tucked inside of my back pants pocket. It was the only piece of Johnny that I had left.

Man I really missed Johnny. I should have been the one left in the building. He had so much more to live for, I was just a greasy hood. It was my fault that he murdered that Soc. Everything was my fault. Now I think that I might drop out of school. My marks were already down in the dumps. Heck, maybe I'll even move to the east side, become a Soc. I looked about as tuff as one now that my hair was short and yellow.

I'm running so fast that the buildings blur in my sight. My legs hurt, but I can't stop now. I hear the police sirens screaming behind me. I turn a corner into a back alley. Soda taught me this shortcut to the gas station earlier this year. I can see a car pull up to the gas pump. I start to scream for Soda when I see that it is him filling up the gas. He can't hear me. The cops are right on my tail now.

"Only a hundred more steps." I tell myself. I keep cheering myself on until I run up to the building. I'm running so fast that I nearly run right into Soda.

"Hey kid!" Soda says. "What's got you running like that?"

"The cops are after me!" I cry. "They came this morning to take me to a boy's home!" At this point I'm nearly bawling like a baby. I was being hysterical, as my English teacher would say.

"Aw geez." Soda says stunned. "They can't take you to a boy's home!"

"I know Soda!" I manage to choke out. "They came to pick me up, though!"

Soda just stood there silent, in shock. Then Soda did something I never thought he'd do again. Soda started to bawl again. Just as the cops pulled up in their fancy cars. Sirens blaring. One officer stepped out of his vehicle and walked towards me.

"I know you don't want to go to a boy's home, but the Social Security workers think it would be a better environment for you to grow up in." The officer said. "Better than in this hood." He added sharply. I think he meant for only him to hear it, but I did. And apparently Soda did too, because he suddenly got real mad. His breaths got short and quick, and it was like a stone wall had been built over his eyes. Making them look hard and mean. Right now he looked real tough.

Suddenly Soda blew up. He ran at the officer and grabbed him by his shirt collar. Wrinkling the perfectly smoothed material.

"You think that we're just a bunch of dirty greasers, huh?" Soda asked the officer in a harsh tone. "You think him growing up in some kind of boys home would be better, huh?"

"Now son, I suggest that you let go of me right now before I arrest you." The cop said in a strangely calm voice. I thought that Soda was going to hit the cop, but then he must have thought better of it. He slowly let go of the cop, but not before giving his collar a small, but still rough, shake. "This isn't helping your situation at all."

"Why does Pony have to go to a boy's home?" Soda asked pleadingly. "We're a good family to grow up with, right Pony? We love ya."

"Yea." I agreed. "I don't want to go to boys home. I'd probably break out, or start a fight." And I wasn't kidding. If they sent me to a boys home I'd do all of those things and worse. I'd do anything to stay with my family. Gosh, Steve had even started to grow on me.

"It's not up to me, kid." The cop said. That was it. That was all he said.

Man I was starting to hate that cop.

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