New Ending Chapter:3

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Chapter 3

It was nearly midnight when I got home. Three hours of walking was exhausting! I knocked on the door, but before anyone could answer it, I walked right in. Soda was the first to see me, and he just stood there in shock.

"Darry!" Soda yells. "Pony's home!"

Darry comes running through the kitchen and stops when he sees me.

"Pony, why are you here? The cops are going to be searching for you!" Darry said. I thought he was going to start yelling at me. "Dally heard about the news. You know, about you going to the boys' home. He's sleeping in you room, with Soda."

No later had Darry said the words before Dally came sauntering in. "Hey Pony." He said. "Fancy seeing you here."

The roar of sirens was almost deafening. I wanted to bury my head in the ground, I was so tired of hearing them.

"Oh no, it's the cops!" Darry exclaimed.

The car stopped at our house. Crap.

And a cop got out. Crap!

The cop, the same one that took me to the home, walked up to the door.

Without even knocking he kicked open the door and yelled, "Out your hands up! You are under arrest for kidnapping!"

"What?" Soda cried. "We're his family! How can we kidnap him?"

"You have the right to remain silent-" the cop started reading off our rights.

"Fine!" Dally said "If you want to arrest me, then do it, but arrest me for something worth bragging about!"

And with that, Dally proceeded to take out a black, gun shaped object. The police officer took one shot, and it hit Dally in the stomach.

Dally's body slowly slouched to the floor. His face a mixture of happiness and pain.

"Hurry!" Soda yelled. "He's bleeding out!"

Darry grabbed Dally by the shirt and drug him out to his car. Meanwhile, Soda shoved the cop to the ground and held him there. Darry put wounded Dally into the back seat with me and told me to hold him. Darry then got into the driver's seat.

"Hurry, Soda!" Yelled Darry.

Soda left the cop and jumped into the car. Darry floored the pedal and headed to the hospital. Gosh, I hated hospitals. I had seen too many bad things happen there lately.

We stopped outside of the tall, brick building. Soda and Darry carried Dally while I opened doors and elevators. We arrived at the ER and got a nurse.

"Oh dear!" Cried the nurse, and took Dally, on a gurney, to a doctor.

We weren't allowed into the room, so after the doc assured us Dally was alright, we sat in the waiting room.

Shortly after, a nurse walked out to talk to us. "Dally isn't doing well. He doesn't have much longer."

I reached into my bag and grabbed out Gone with the Wind. We entered Dally's room quietly.

"Hi Dally." I mumbled. "Johnny wanted me to tell you something. He wrote a letter in my book."

"What does it say?" Dally asked weakly.

"Johnny wanted me to tell you that it's worth it. He's just going to miss us." I say while reading the letter. "He also wants you to look at a sunset, you'll think it's crazy, but just try it. He says that there is a lot of good in the world and you need to know that."

"Man, I sure miss that kid." Dally says before closing his eyes.

"Dally?" Soda asks cautiously. "Are you there?"

"Dally!" Darry screams, but it was too late.

Darry was dead. Like he had always secretly wanted to be. Maybe now, though, that I read him Johnny's letter, he was okay with dying. Maybe he was ready.

The End

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