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"PLEASE STOP, NO DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Sam screamed as Uncle Payge slid the piece of paper into their crevice. This wasn't the first time Sam had gone through this, Uncle Payge made it her business to go into Sam's room every night.

"Happy - Birthday - you thing!" Payge says in between grunts. A silent paper fell down Sam's side. When Uncle Payge finally finished she left Sam a quivering mess. As Payge leaves Skylar burst into the room tears running down her face.

"What did she do to you, baby?" Skylar asks grabbing Sam into her arms rocking back and forth letting Sam cry.

"Why can't we leave?" Sam whispers shrinking into Skylar's arms she freezes, she never wanted to tell Sam about the whole "living arrangement" she continues to rock the hole puncher until they fell asleep. Skylar placed Sam back on the table and walked over to the living room where Payge and Hazel sat watching SNL.

"WHY DO YOU DO THAT TO THEM?!" Skylar yells pointing an accused finger at Payge who smirked and turned and faced Skylar.

"That THING shouldn't be aloud in MY home, but since I get my one pleasure from it I will allow it to STAY." Payge says as she stands up and walks into the kitchen to grab another Iced tea. Hazel stands up and turns off the T.V.

"I'm going to bed night Skylar." Hazel walks down the hall and before she goes into her bedroom she stops and looks into Sam's room, a silent tear falls down her cheek she quickly wipes it away and goes into her room. Skylar had enough she tightened her fists and walks into the kitchen to see Payge hunched over the sink glass in hand.

"You can always leave you know that." Payge says in a mocking tone, Skylar's face turns red.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I CAN'T!!" She yells, she remember's the deal they made when Sam was born. Payge was the only one with a well paying job at the time and everything was under her name technically she was Sam's legal guardian, so Skylar, Hazel, and Sam were stuck under her thumb. Payge stood there, sipping at her iced tea glancing up at Skylar.

"If you don't have anything else to say I have somewhere to be." Payge said as she sat down her cup and walked towards the doorway grabbing her car keys and jacket along the way. Skylar fists tighten as she watched the retreating figure of Payge.

"Is she gone?" Sam says as they hop into the kitchen looking up at Skylar.

"Yes she's gone but you should lock your door she went out to a tea shop" Skylar says not looking away from the door, clenching her teeth together. Sam see's the anger in Skylar's eyes and quickly hops into their room and locking the door before hiding under their table. Hazel woken up from the commotion walks into the hall. Handgun in hand thinking there is a intruder only to find Skylar standing in the kitchen with a worried look on her face.

"What the hell Skylar I almost shot you!" Hazel exclaims putting the gun back in its holster.

"Payge went out again." Skylar says looking down and walking to the living room and sits on the couch turning the TV on to catch the last second of SNL.

"Skylar we have Sam to worry about. I don't need anymore drama." Hazel says as she head back to her bedroom slamming the door and turning BITE by Troye Sivan on full volume. Three hours passed before the front door opens waking Skylar. She hears the clinking of tea bottles and knows that Payge is back.

"Oi Sammy boy Uncle's home!!!" Payge says in a sing song voice, the sound of her footsteps disappear down Sam's and Hazel's hallway. Skylar hears the sound of the door handle being shook and a roar of frustration and then the sound of Troye getting louder.

"PAYGE I SWEAR IF YOU SPILL THAT TEA ANYWHERE I WILL SHOOT YOUR TOES OFF!!" Skylar laughs to herself Hazel always had a weird way of expressing anger. Skylar then hears the sound of Hazel's door shut and footsteps retreating to the kitchen and the sound of the fridge opening and closing.

Payge's footsteps echo down the hall as she makes her way to her room and shuts the door behind her. Skylar sighs in relief thinking that Sam's torment is over for the night. She tiptoes down the hall to Sam's room and taps lightly on the door.

"Sam? Its Skylar. She's asleep now don't worry. I just want to talk for a minute." Skylar spoke softly but firmly trying not to be heard by Payge just down the hall. The door slowly eased open and a blotchy red faced Sam poked their head out to see who it was. When they realized it wasn't Payge they opened the door all the way.

"Can I come in for a minute?" Skylar asked. The little hole puncher murmured a small "Yes" and let her inside. Skylar went over and sat on the bed waiting for Sam to join her. The hole puncher peeked out from under the table to make sure it was Skylar, Uncle Payge had tricked them before saying she was Skylar.

"Is Payge really drinking tea again?" Sam asks hopping onto the bed, Skylar sighs and nods her head.

"W-why does she do this to me?" Sam asks paper starting to fall from

"BECAUSE SHE WANTS THAT NICE TIGHT CREVICE!" Payge yells as she bursts into the room very british.

"DON'T TOUCH THEM!" Skylar screamed blocking Payge from Sam. The rage and britishness in Payge's eyes was strong. Skylar knew she couldn't do much against her but she held her ground.

"You may want to get out of the way." Payge says through teeth clenched, but Skylar held her ground arms outstretched blocking her.

"I warned you." Payge said hand raised about to hit Skylar. That's when it happened, the earth shattering sound of metal and plastic hitting the ground. Both women turn in horror to see that Sam had jumped off the table and completely shattered.

Sam The Hole PuncherWhere stories live. Discover now