Chapter 2

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Even I wonder how I got my power some days. Apparently I was walking normally as any other day when a penny fell from a tall building and crashed into my head and when I awoke from my two month coma the doctors said that I became able to use a part of my brain they'd never seen a person use before. I had accidentally thrown my bedpan at the wall while the nurse was in the room and they figured out that I had gained powers. At first they wanted to do tests until I told them I'd test my power on them. Needless to say they left me alone. At least they have till now.

Anyway as I lie here in the hotel staring at the ceiling I find myself wanting more out of life. Maybe I'll see if I can save someone from a criminal organization or something. Or better yet kill everyone in the organization. If I'm going to do it I might need a mask though. It wouldn't be good if I was recognized worldwide for killing with my power so just in case off to the store I go. I slide my jacket over my shoulders without putting my arms through the sleeves and leave my hotel room. As I take the stairs down to the lobby I'm just wondering how many people will give weird looks for wearing my jacket this way. At least I don't have to worry about fighting anybody.

I got a few looks from people in the lobby but it wasn't too bad. I kind of enjoy wearing my jacket like this actually. It's like I can feel the breeze without being cold... or something like that. Anyway I finally make it to the store and as soon as the clerk sees me he directs me to a large white jacket with the Japanese kanji for justice on the back. The straw hats next to them look kind of nice too. I promptly ignore the clerk's suggestion and turn towards the other side of the store where I see the perfect mask. I pick it up and drop the cash into the clerks hand so he can ring it up himself.

As I walk outside I spy a shady looking dude in a trench coat outside and walk up to him. He gives me a strange look that I ignore and ask him if he has been up to any suspicious activity. He says he hasn't and I don't believe him but I'm not going to stare at the guy all day so I randomly make my way to a bad part of town. I'm not in such a good mood today so I figure killing a few criminals who'll no doubt provoke me should be fun. Just like a videogame but in real life I can help people, lower the crime rate and make the streets safer while I get to satisfy my hero complex at the same time. I knew I'd stand out with my jacket on this way but it had slipped my mind how quickly they would come. Hopefully they won't call me the sleeveless wonder or anything after wards. Before long four dudes surrounded me and asked for my wallet. I told them that I would sell it to them for ten bucks. It is leather after all. I guess they didn't like my deal because they pushed me down and took my wallet. I had just spent most of my money on the hotel and the mask so there was only thirteen bucks in there. They threw my wallet back to me and tried to take my bag with the mask. I told them they couldn't see it yet because it was a surprise but they insisted so I put it on.

After they had a good laugh I began to feel a little irritated so when they asked me to give them my mask I might have lost it a little. They might need to get the fire department to clean it up. Anyway I managed to get the name of the main mob boss around here. They say he runs a drug and human trafficking ring. Deep down I always wanted to save a girl from that life but couldn't think of a way to do it back then. I didn't have any powers or any money so as I make my way to the incredibly cliché industrial docks location that this "Chin" guy operates out of I wonder what their security and "Merchandise" is like and how many I can save.

I knock on the door and a huge body guard looking dude opens the door. "Can I speak to Mr. Chin please?" I ask politely. The big bulky guy looks down at me suspiciously. "Why are you wearing a mask? Halloween ain't for another month." "Well I don't want people to see my face around here. It's dangerous." "Dangerous?" The guard starts to close the door and I stick my foot in the doorway. "Yeah you know I could get my identity stolen or something. So can I see Mr. Chin." The guard tries to close the door. "There's no Mr. Chin here." I stop him again. "No there is these nice guys told me when they robbed me earlier. I just wanted to ask him for my twenty bucks back." He stares at me for a good minute before pulling a gun on me. "Who are you?"

"My name is Gary Stu...Whoops." I smile at the guard."I haven't made up an alternate name yet." "Gary?" he asks. "Yeah Gary, so can I go in now?" "No. I don't like you." The guard tries to slam the door on my foot but I blow it off of its hinges and look up at the doorman with a smile. "I tried to ask nicely." He points his empty hand at me and I direct his attention to his gun with my finger as it floats in mid air for a second before slamming into his face so hard that he drops to the ground. "Now." I say to myself as I hear footsteps running towards my position. "I wonder which way I should go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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