Chapter 1

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I watch the people who walk past me as I sit on this city bench trying to figure out what to do. I think about hot all the people who walk past me are the main protagonists of their own lives and I'm lucky enough to be a part of just by sitting here. Why do I think such thoughts on a random evening in autumn? I just get really philosophical when I'm bored.

I stand and walk down an alley as I do every day. I can't say I care very much for the people here but at the very least I want to save a girl's life and have a moment in the rain like in the one Superhero movie. It's not like I have to worry about guns or anything because... Oh look. It's my lucky day. There's a woman being robbed at the other end of the alley.

I run as fast as I can towards the scene of the crime and tackle the man to the ground. "There will be no purse stealing for you today." I say heroically to the man who is now scrambling to his feet. "What?" "I said." I say louder than before. "There will be no purse stealing for you today." He gives me a strange look and I just smile. "Who the hell are you?" He asks. "I'm sorry I haven't come up with a hero name yet so I might have to get back to you on that." I say as he laughs at me "Hero? What's wrong with you kid? You got a death wish? You got mental problems?" Well sort of. "I'm not a kid. I'm twenty so technically I'm a grown up." I point out as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small glinting object.

"You better back off kid." He says threateningly. "We adults have weapons." He waves a knife at me. "Now just for your bravery tonight I'm willing to let you live but only if you walk away right now and leave the adults here to do their business." I look at the other adult and she looks like she couldn't be bothered by this situation anymore. She sighs and tells me that the bag was full of drugs and he wasn't stealing her purse after all. "Can I have a look?" I ask her politely. Sure enough there were drugs in there and now the man is pointing a gun at me.

"I told you to leave didn't I? But your calmness is making me paranoid as to whom you are and now that you've seen what's in the bag I'll have to kill you so I'll know you'll keep your mouth shut." He aims the gun at my head as it just dawns on me that the woman was never in danger so I won't get my chance for a kiss in the rain from this encounter. I look at the man and smile. "Are you sure you want to kill me with that? Guns are quite loud you know." He doesn't say anything and pulls the trigger.


The woman stares shocked to see that the bullet has stopped in midair a few inches from the gun's barrel. Oh did I forget to mention I have powers? I hold my hand up for effect so they know exactly why the bullet stopped. They both run in different directions as I scratch my chin in thought. "What should I do?" On one hand the guy attempted to kill me and on the other hand the woman was selling drugs. Oh well. I guess I'll stop them both.

I reach my hands out and make a grabbing motion in the direction each of the two ran in and they begin to float and fly through the air towards me. "Whoops, maybe I'm pulling them a little too fast." I slow them down and make sure they bump heads before dropping their unconscious bodies on the ground.

Leaving them at the edge of the alley I write their names on a piece of paper and put it in the drug bag before planting it outside of a police station. Hopefully they won't use the drugs too. Who am I kidding? Of course they're going to use it. I hope they at least read the note I left them.

A wave of depression suddenly hits me as I realize I be getting my rain kiss anytime soon. Why am I so focused on that anyway? I sit down on another bench and go back to watching the people as they pass me. By now day has turned to night and all the weird people seem to be coming out.

Suddenly a girl around my age slides next to me on the bench. Naturally I look at her without saying anything because all is takes is a look. It's not like I'm afraid to speak or anything. I'm just surprised. Was it the hair or the glasses that made her want to sit next to me? Maybe she's just a nice lady who worries about her fellow man. "You okay?" She asks me as I give her a nervous smile. "Yeah I'm fine." "You sure?" She says scanning my face for a hint that I'm lying. Hasn't she ever heard of personal space? Not that I'm complaining.

"Okay." She seems to give up and slides me a card with her number on it. "If you ever want to talk give me a call. See you around." She says as she walks away. Why do I get the feeling she's a psychiatrist out to increase her clientele? Nah she couldn't be. I thumb the paper with her name and number on it. "Zoe huh?"

I finally stand up when the sky gets so dark you forget that it's there. I count my money in plain sight just for the hell of it and walk towards a nearby hotel. Little do the petty criminals know that I make a living off of their attempts to steal from me. I should at least try to get a job but I'm far too lazy for that. Anyway I take a detour through another alley and wait for my shadow to catch up to me. Maybe this time I'll act cool like that blond guy that shoots all those weapons out if thin air.

A dude in a hoodie suddenly grabs me from behind and threatens me with a knife. Oh I'm terrified. I turn to face him and tilt my head up so I can look down on him. "Who gave you permission to touch me?" I say in my coolest voice. The man seems taken off guard by my reaction and lowers his knife for a split second. "What?" He seems confused. "Just give me your money and nobody gets hurt." "Hurt?" I say with a dramatic flair. "I thought you were just waiting for the right opportunity to gaze upon your king." At this point the would-be robber seems a tad unsettled. "No man I just want your wallet." He raises his knife and I've decided I'm done playing around.

I raise my hand just as he moves to stab me and before he knows it his head has already slammed into the wall. I raid the now unconscious robber wallet and take his money. I check into the nearest hotel I could get with 400 dollars and dive into the sheets headfirst before I remember that I'm in a hotel and turn onto my back. I flip the card in my hand that the girl from earlier gave me and wonder if I should call it. I decide against it for tonight and turn on the news. Oh look, another shooting. I turn the TV off and drift to sleep wondering what tomorrow has in store.

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