1 New Friend Request

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At the bottom of the screen was a little red number.

1 New Friend Request

The dark brown haired Liverpool boy clicked the icon and up popped a name.

John Lennon has requested to be friends.

[ Confirm ]     [ Ignore ]

John? Who's this? Paul wondered and decided to explore further into this new 'John' character.

John Lennon

Click here to see about John.

Paul clicked and narrowed his eyes as he scanned through the profile before him.

Born in Liverpool

Lives in London

Attended school at your mom

"OH."  Paul let out a small snicker and grinned at the screen.

"What's 'oh'?" Paul's brother prodded into his room, collapsing on his bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Nothing," Paul turned in his seat and raised an eyebrow up at Mike.

"What?" Mike asked as he felt Paul's eyes fall upon him.

"What do you want?" He asked, delicately sweeping the hair from his brow back up, shaking his head and turning back to his laptop.

"I'm bored and exhausted. Dad left for a few days. He's out at work and mom is sleeping."

"What does that have to do with me..?" Paul's eyes scanned the rest of this 'John' person's page and giggled.

"Who's that?" Mike spoke, his voice radiating right next to Paul.

"I dunno, some guy who sent me a friend request." Paul responded before flipping the screen down quickly.

"What're you hiding?' Mike asked curiously, sitting on Paul's desk.

"Nothing, and get off my desk!" Paul snapped.

"Mhmm, suure." Mike snickered and hopped off Paul's desk before walking out his room and closing the door behind him.

"Brat," Paul muttered before opening his laptop again.

Interests Twenty Øne Piløts, Three Doors Down, Our Lady Peace, Theory of a Deadman, The Rolling Stones, Oasis...
[ View More ]

"Well at least he has good taste," The 16 year old male continued to scroll down and smiled when he came across a word that read,

Talents Guitar, singing, art, writing.

This seemed to intrigue Paul more than anything else. He slipped his finger across the mouse and clicked Back.

John Lennon has requested to be friends.
[ Confirm ]      [ Ignore ]

He shrugged for a moment and decided to confirm the request.

You have successfully confirmed. Click to view profile.

Paul opened up another tab and opened up iTunes, scrolling through his library before deciding to play a song by TØP.

Now Playing
Twenty Øne Piløts - Stressed Out

A notification popped up across his Facebook tab.

1 New Message.


1 New Message.

Paul hesitated for a moment, but decided to click on the tab. He slid his finger against the mouse pad and clicked, revealing a blue bar at the bottom.

John Lennon (1)

He clicked on the box, and up popped the words on screen, as the music played from another tab.

[ • John Lennon ]
[] Hey
                                                                                    Uhm, hi? []

[] I'm John..I know you don't
   know me..
                                                           Yeah...I'm Paul but
    I go by James... []

[] Sweet, so um..how are you?
                                                                         Good..you? []
[] I'm good, you're
from Liverpool?

Well, yeah...you're
from London hm?  []
[] Liverpool originally.
   I live here with a friend...
                                                                   Oh sweet! You
                                                                 come here often? []
[] No..I'm actually not staying
    in London...very long..
   I got to go, sorry
                                                                              John, ttyl :-)  []

[] Erm, okay..bye Paul..
   [Seen 6:23pm]

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