Omega Turns Into Omega Daddy

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Chapter dedicated to sam-smith

"We are sorry to inform you that James Declan passed away late last night."

Derek stands rigid when he hears those words from the stoic deputy. There is a pair of them, but it is clear that the one who has stayed jumpy since Derek answered the door this is a rookie. The pair of deputies stand a few feet away from each other, and the slender and short rookie is absentmindedly cringes behind the firm, older deputy.

It wasn't that Derek is upset so to say because James and himself relationship was more of a casual thing. They were only together for a few months, hooked up when either one wasn't busy, and only went on one date in the entire relationship. They both knew that it wasn't go anywhere serious, but they stayed together because the sex was great. Sure, Derek liked the human Beta, but he was never the kind of guy he could bring home to mama for Sunday dinner. The tattoos and pierces wasn't the problem, but the excessive drinking and smoking pot was. There were times Derek felt himself want to back out of it, but just never did.

Derek clears his throat, and glance down at the two deputies names tags just for safe keeping. The stoic one said, 'Abernathy', towers over him well over six feet, budge with muscles, and reek of rotten eggs and blood. Vampire it is then, and most likely an Alpha at that from the power pouring out him. The rookie, 'Willow', is a short, slender kid who looked like he hasn't made it past the Academy. By the scent Deputy Willow is human, and a beta. The pair together looks pretty cliché.

"What happen?"

The pair glance a look at each other, before Abernathy spoke again, "There was a car crash, Declan being responsible as he was drinking, and by the time they got him to the hospital he was already dead from blood loss."

Derek nods to himself, "Was anyone else hurt?"

Officer Abernathy looks at the Officer Willow like he expecting him to speak which he did with not much confidence. "Two young women were in the other car, but luckily they lived and walked away with just a broken bone or two."

"We were able to get your number from his phone and trace it, but he had very few in his address book. Is there any family that you know of that need to be contacted?" Deputy Abernathy asks him as he puts pen to paper, and looks at him for an answer.

"Um, James and I weren't what you would call a 'exclusive' relationship." Derek says and thanks the deputies for telling him as they walk off. Derek sighs, slides down the door, and clenches his eyes shut. Derek breathes once more before taking out the slender stick in his back pocket. The positive sign glares back at him, mocking him in silence, and Derek lets it as he thinks back when he brought the test.

The atmosphere is noisy as Derek weaves through the many people in the aisle. He just wants to get what he needs, and be done with it. But when he gets to the right section, Karma is baring down on him. He glances past the female test, knowing he doesn't need those, and looks at the many males one. His eyebrows furrow in confusion, wondering if the pregnancy gods hate him, and scans top to bottom yet having no luck. Derek can feel the judgment looks like a scorching fire from every angle from other customers, and all Derek wants to do is yell at him.

'Have they never seen a man buy a pregnancy test before?' But Derek keeps them thoughts to himself. Many test ranging from First Response to the cheap dollar ones. Ones that are curved at the handle to straight ones. Some tell by positive and negative symbols, other by lines. He just needs to know if he is pregnant!

Derek almost jumps out of his skin when a soft voice of a woman is heard from beside him, "Sir, do you need any help?"

Derek sighs in relief, and looks at her with pleading eyes. He was never one to ask for help, but if it is offered and he really needed it, like now, Derek never will deny it. The lady gives a small chuckle, and turns her attention at the items he is searching for. She hums to herself, plucks a few from different rows, and piles them in his arms. "It's always safe to test more than one, and get a few different brands just to be sure you don't get a false negative or positive."

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