12 Weeks

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Derek lifts his head up from where he is reading an outdated magazine, and smiles when he sees Isaac. When Derek started working at the hospital, and met Isaac, he didn't think the latter would be the type to be a OB/GYN, but then he looks at himself, and doesn't get the 'typical nurse' vibe either. At first glance, Isaac is a snaky overgrown kid, but once Derek got to know him. He found out that the kid is snarky because he is lonely, kind to his patients, and driven to please others. Isaac is also an Omega Werewolf, and Derek's mother gave him a place in her pack since the unmated wolf didn't have anyone else. Derek was quite a loner when growing up, and he still only has a few selected friends in his adult years, Isaac being one of them.

"What are you doing here?" Isaac stroll his way to him, sneakers squeaking every step on the tile floor, and slots himself in one of the plastic chairs beside of him, "I thought you were off the next two days."

Derek raises his eyebrows, and doesn't bother asking him how he knew that. Isaac is also charming, with a twinkling smile and his unruly curls, he can get whatever he wants. Derek points at the magazine, the pale baby stares back at them with a toothless smile, and the top caption says, 'Are you ready for a child?'

The world is against Derek, and every nock and cranny he looks at to find some normality, he only finds baby stuff being thrown in his face. Yesterday he went to the store to stock up his kitchen for more healthy choices, and ignores the part of him that told him he's doing this for another living person. But of course, he passed the baby aisle, and paused to run his fingertips over the cotton unisex onesie that said, 'I love my Omega Daddy!' He remembers carefully taking the onesie off the shelf, and hanging it over his flat stomach. He probably got some stares, but onesie now sits in his top draw with no regrets.

"You're pregnant?!" Isaac all but yelps, making Derek duck his head in embarrassment when Isaac got some heads turning at the commotion. He always hated bringing too much attention to himself.

"Well, that's what I'm here to make sure of." He hisses back at him.

After talking to his mother yesterday, Derek felt more better about his situation, and made an appointment with the doctor just to make sure the test wasn't false positive. Derek's pregnancy facts are a bit rusty since his degree is as a Nurse Practitioner, and is booked in emergency room field. But if he is harboring another life inside of him, he is most likely eight to ten weeks. He's only been nauseous for a week, but luckily no puking. Missing his period is what made him buy a test in the first place.

Derek makes a unrecognized sound when Isaac grips his arm and yanks him to the unknown. Isaac pulls him into one of the privates rooms, and urges him to sit in the recliner chair/table. Derek sighs through his nose, but takes a seat as Isaac hums to himself and fumbles with ultrasound machine. "What are you doing?"

"Turning on the ultrasound machine so we can check if your tummy if empty or not, what does it look I'm doing?" Isaac says to him, sass clear in his voice.

Derek lets out an annoyed noise, "Last time I check I didn't make an appointment with you."

"Who did you make appointment with?" Isaac asks. He slaps on some gloves, and gets the special lubricating jelly. "Lift your shirt up."

"Liam Dunbar." Derek chuckles as Isaac scrunches his face up, and makes a 'blah' sound. Dunbar is a Beta Werewolf from the McCall pack. There are two packs in the Beacon Hill territory, The Hale's and The McCall's. His mother made a truce years ago with them when the Alpha got bit unexpectedly, and within a few months got labeled a 'True Alpha' when he eyes changed golden to red for his courage and strength. Derek doesn't have a problem with Alpha McCall, but he got bit when he was still a teen. It was hard for Derek as a teen with hormones arising and control harder to maintain, and he was a born were with a pack behind him.

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