Watch What You Say

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Listening to One Direction over and over again for days on end can give anyone a headache, including a werewolf. Derek didn’t realizes how much he hated boy bands until now. Thanks to the little ones, he never wants to listen to or see them ever again.

Unfortunately for Derek, that is not the case. He hears it when he wakes up, in every single car ride, when he is walking around the flat, and all night until the girls are set for bed. He can’t escape them, no matter what he does. Even when the girls are at school, the British (“Niall is Irish!”) voices stay in his head, chaffing him with unjust talent that Derek has never had or ever will. It has gotten so bad that he has got caught a couple times at work mumbling lyrics under his breath.

The point is, Derek is sick of One Direction.

Saturday's are the worst. The girls aren't in school, meaning his ears are traumatized longer than normal. He has listened to their newest song ‘Perfect’ about a hundred times today, and it’s only lunch hour. It’s safe to say he growls under his breath with that exact song is blasting through the speakers at Yin & Yang Café. While he is scratching his week old stubble-turn-into-beard, Derek cracks a smile with the girls giggle as the dance in circles; regardless of the headache that seemed to never go away.

The three of them get in queue, and patiently wait for it ease up. Expect he's the only patient one. The girls are still dancing around and singing horribly off tune. It gets them some disapproving looks, but Derek doesn't care. He let's them be, observing the changes the Cafe has made for holidays. It plastered in orange and brown, which makes since it’s the middle of November. There is a turkey hanger next to the counter, and pumpkins in the center of every table. Looking closer to the counter, he can see pictures of employees on it. He automatically looks for Stiles’ picture and isn't disappointed to what he sees. It’s silly, just the barista smiling straight at the camera with his thumbs up, and dressed in coffee costume. It makes Derek’s flutter abnormally as the guilt slams into again.

With the new information he learned from the Sheriff, he can't have any attachments. He wants to try and make it work with his mate. They're made for each other after all. But his mind floats back to Stiles. The Alpha hates him, but Derek can't help it when he eyes zone to the back room. From his line of vision, Derek can see the sensual hips sway side-to-side at the slow beat love song. The person has his back turn towards him, but Derek come here a couple times to recognize slick, smooth, sleeve of tattoos on the person's arms.

Derek shakes away his thoughts and tries to smile at Lydia when it’s their turn in line. She greets them with a smirk, and asks them for their order. Derek gets his normal tea, and orders the girls homemade lemonade when he recites the menu to them.

“Can we get a cookie?” One of the twins ask, in which Lydia answers for him, “Sure honey, what kind? It’s on the house because you two are the cutest twins I’ve ever seen.” They blush, and giggle at each other when they point at the same kind of cookie; snowman. Christmas is just a month away, and he has yet begin his search for presents.

“Good choice, they usually go out faster than we can bake them.” Lydia says as she hands each of the girls a cookie, and then turns around to get started on their drinks. Derek goes to get money out of his wallet, but the Banshee interrupts him, “It’s on the house, remember?”

Derek does remember the coupon that Scott gave him yesterday, but it didn’t give any indication that it will pay for his plus ones, or two in this case, things. Derek narrows his eyes, stuffs his wallet back in his pocket when he sees that Lydia will not take his money, and balances the three drinks in his hands. Derek picks a booth this closer to the front of the Café instead of the back so he can see when Cora make her way in. She's meeting with him today to talk to him about what happen in court. Although he is legally the twin's guardian now, the case still had to go ahead in court. It wasn't a necessity for Derek or the girls to attend, which he is grateful. Courtroom make him nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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