A Little smut

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I woke up to my snoring husband, Mitchell Hughes Acetii (Awww) I smiled and hugged him and rested my furry hand on his bare chest


I looked under the covers to see we both have only boxers and I smirk and nipple on Mitchell's ear gently and I see he gets hard slightly and wake up "Morning sexy" I say in my low tone sexy deep voice and he gets harder "M-morning....what time is it?" He checks his phone "5..5 in the morning?!" He exclaims and wiggles away "I'll be late!!" He runs to the closet to get some clothes as I lay in bed, I'm a bacca....baccas aren't allowed job's....but I do...do a wierd prostitute type job...it's called a stripper "Damnit Jerome you got me hard...." he grumbles trying to put his skinny jeans on and I chuckle, he dosent know about my job so shhh "those make your ass morr detailed hun."I wink "Yaah!" He yells as I get up and smack his ass playfully "Aww my Mitchy all horny?" I rub his crotch as he groans "I HAVE WORK" he yells and I let go and go to the bed growling and lays under the covers still having the low growl "Aww my master all frustrated?"he whispers in my ear chuckling then pulling away and getting ready, I curl up in the covers and sleep again
~Fun tiemmm~
"PLEASE INTRODUCE THE FLUFFY SEXXY!!!"I chuckle as my nickname is called and walk to the stage and do my dance and pick a guy afterwards then we go to a private room and I sit in a chair as he closes the curtain 'he looks familiar.....' I think and smirk as mitch turns around, 'he was the guy I picked?good' I smirk and push the smaller male agenst the wall and kiss him as he struggles under my grasp "Let me go I have a husband!!" He yells not knowing it was me "Mitchell~" I say in my low tone sexy deep voice "Jerome....?" He looks up and smiles at me but then frowns "Why are you here?" I chuckle "Not see the outfit Mitch?" I then frown "Why are you here?"

*****************************************************well that was fun bye bye fellow merome lovers im sorry I have a headache and needed to update something

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