Mitch looked down, sighing "We-well... I-i Didn't...I just saw your outfit in the Closet... So i wanted to see if you really did work as something like this...Why are you working like this Jerome..?" He looked at his Husband worriedly "Well They wont let me have a proper Job, So i got this One" He looked into Mitch's Caramel eyes. "How do you think i afford those gifts i get you? Besides, it's not like anyone can really touch me unless i want them to..." Jerome looks Mitch "I'm almost done with my shift, we can stay in here until it's over." Mitch nodded, and nuzzled his head into the furry Bacca's chest "I-i'm sorry Jerome...I didn-didn't mean to worry you" Jerome shut him up by kissing him, which soon turned into a heated make-out session. Until a bell rang "Jeez, Shift's over already? C'mon Mitch, we're going home." He picks up his Gold-medal champion husband and carried him to the car "I love you Mitch." "I love you too Jerome...but i dont love your job" He huffs and Jerome chuckles, putting him in the passenger side as he went around and got in the driver's seat "Don't worry Benja, I'll stop working here if you reaally dont want me to." He started to drive home "Hey Biggums?" "Yeah Mitch?" "My pants still feel uncomfortable from this morning..." "I can fix that when we get home, Biggums" He smirked at The Brunette, making his face go red, Jerome pulled up at their house, getting out of the car and picking up Mitch once again after locking the vehicle.
" Mitch is going to have some fun with his master, Isn't he?" Mitch looked at the smirking Bacca
"Hell yes he is"
Minutes later Mitch was thrown on the bed, a Bacca Ontop of him, licking and abusing his neck "J-jerome...!~" He moaned as the Other found his sweet spot, making Jerome Smirk. Jerome Kept abusing the spot, making a dark red Hickey, before taking off the Canadian's Checkered hoodie and Baige shirt, Smirking at his Husband's slightly tanned skin, making Mitch go red and try to make him stop staring. Jerome threw off his outfit, Making Mitch turn a darker red "I think someone likes what they see." The Bacca sat back, looking at the Red Canadian, "Come on Mitch, Dont be Shy. I've already seen all of you." He smiled comfortingly, and soon the rest of Mitch's clothing Joined the pile on the floor. "Good boy." He rubs Mitch's member, making him moan, putting his head back "Je-erome~" He moaned, Making the other smirk "Yes, Mitch?" "Fuck me already, Jerome!" Jerome as slightly taken aback at his usually calm, loving husband yelling. "Hehe, Alright." He crawled ontop of Mitch "This will hurt..." "I know..." Jerome nuzzled his head into Mitch's neck, as he pushed in, making the other tear up "Shh, Shh" Jerome kissed the tears away, and didn't move, he was fully inside of Mitch, but was not going to move until Mitch was adjusted to his size, when Mitch gave a nod, Jerome slowly pulled out and went back in, making Mitch moan. Jerome smirked again, going faster and flipping them over so Mitch was on his hands and knees, Jerome started slamming into him "O-ooh!~ JeroME~" He moaned loudly, gripping the pillow "Mitch!~" Jerome Smirked, pounding into his lover "Faster, Jerome!~" The bacca nodded, now Growling as he went faster inside the other. "Fu-Fuck!~ JEromE!" He screamed as he came, Tightening around Jerome. He winced and slammed into him one last time before Grunting and cumming inside the Canadian, he pulled out and laid beside the tired Mitch, He pulled him to his chest, and pulled the covers over them, Closing his eyes and nuzzling into Mitch's Caramel hair, both falling asleep after their 'adventures'