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Liam Payne

Once I "pulled off" I secretly hide in the parking lot. I want to know who the fuck is bullying my Baby Nialler. Niall has already been through so much in his life and he doesn't need anything added on to it.

I don't care if I sit here all day. I'm gonna find out who this Louis person is and show him that it's not ok to mess with my Niall, or anybody for that matter.

Niall Horan

I brushed passed people as I tried to get to my locker. I hate how people just stand in the middle of the hallway in those little groups like how the fuck am I gonna get through.

I finally got to my locker and I mentally cheered to my self. I put in my combination and opened it. I grabbed my books for first period and closed my locker. I turned around to go to my next class but someone's hand pushed me back.

"Well, well, well look who finally showed up for school." Louis ugh I should of known. What the fuck does he want?

"Get away from me." I pushed his hand down and tried to walk away but he grabbed the handle of my backpack and pulled me back.

"You already know whats coming. Since you weren't at school for 3 days that means triple the beatings. One now, one at lunch and one after school. This is gonna be a fun-filled day." But just when he was about to throw the fist punch, I kicked him in the nuts and took of running. I ran as if my life depended on it, which it kinda does.

I ran outside the school doors. I heard foot steps behind. I glanced and saw Louis not far behind. How did he catch up so fast? Did I not kick him hard enough?


I ran between cars in the parking lot making sure I'm dodging the mirrors sticking out.

"NIALL." That time it was not Louis. I looked up saw........is that.......is that......Liam?  "NIALL!" Oh my gosh it is. He has no clue how happy I am to see him. I looked back and saw that Louis was still running after me.

I smirked to myself. I ran towards Liam. I hid behind as if he was a shield.

Louis ran up to Liam and I. He looked behind Liam and saw me. He tried to grabbed me but Liam stopped him.

"C'mon move out the fucking way, the little shit kicked me in the nuts." Bad choice Louis, Liam could beat you up with his pinky finger.

"Thats Louis." I whispered.

Liam nodded. "So you're the one that is torturing what's mine." Shit Liam sounds angry. I wouldn't want to be Louis right now.

Louis started to back up. "And just who the fuck are you?" Louis sassed. Damnit Louis just shut up. No wait I take that back keep talking, I want Liam to beat you to a pulp so you can know what it feels like.

"I'm his boyfriend." Liam said. Shit is getting real.

Louis glanced at me. "Haha so you are a fag." Yep I'm a fag and I'm proud to be one because if I wasn't Liam wouldn't be my boyfriend.

"You won't be calling him a fag once I'm done with you."

Louis turned around to take off running but Liam grabbed him by his hood. He turned Louis back around and punched him dead straight in the face.

Louis fell to the ground and didn't come back up. He was as stiff as a leaf. He was unconscious. "Well that was easy." Liam said. "He's a weak ass."

"We should probably take him to the nurse." I suggest. But we should though. We'll probably get in trouble if we just left him here.

"Yea we should. We can't just leave him here in the middle of the parking lot. People would get suspicious."

We dragged Louis to the nurse. He was to big to carry. I hate how Louis acts so tough but then when he gets his ass kicked he's weak as fuck. I'm glad Liam showed him not to mess with me.

I love having an over protective boyfriend. He comes in handy and I love him more than anything the world.

When we arrived at the nurses office, she looked up from her computer and gasped. "What happened?"

I knew Liam couldn't tell a lie so he glanced up a me. "He ran into a mirror on a car and passed out from impact." I simply said. I was a good liar. And I usually get away with it.

"Oh my gosh. Well thank you guys for bring him in. I'll take it from here. You are free to go." She came over and grabbed Louis from us and took him over a bed.

Liam and I walked out of the nurses offices and linked our hands together.

"Did I ever tell you that I love you?" I said. I really did though. Liam is my universe. My everything.

"Only a billion times." He said as if it was nothing. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I haven't said it enough times. I love you to infinity...."

"And beyond." Liam finished


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