chapter 2- About Angels

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Kenzie's POV.

'Wow that was close' Mia says sitting down.

'we need to change back into invisable' i say quickly, she nodds and we chnage invisisble so angels only see us, we have to be carful talking invisible because if humans hear off, thats bad.

'Mphh' Mia says falling back on the couch. 'How are we going to protect him being in human form if he just saw us just then- he will think we are stalking him!' Mia says, i sit back down on the couch with her.

'We can just earse us from his memory' i said and looked over to Mia, thats Mias special power is Memory Manipulation she can take away and restore a human's memories. she can also implant fake memories. my special power is i can sense trouble and mess with your feelings - my power is rare only about 3 angels have them- the powers are really strong.

all the powers angels have are:

Telekinesis - Angels have the ability to move and influence objects with their minds.

Teleportation - Angels have the ability to teleport anywhere in the world as long as the area is not protected by Enochian sigils. They can teleport themselves and other beings.

Invisibility - Angels, even while occupying vessels, can render themselves invisible.

Eyes- Every angels eye colour changes, you cant control it, thats why humans get scared and run, the colour of your eyes change to a colour the reflexs your personality

Healing - Angels have the ability to heal humans. When angels are disconnected from Heaven.

Sedation - Angels have the ability to make humans unconscious by placing two fingers on their foreheads.

Supernatural perception - Angels are able to see objects and beings that are invisible to humans, for e.g. Reapers and Enochian Sigils.

Telepathy - Angels have the ability to communicate using their minds.

Dreamwalking - Angels can enter human dreams in order to communicate with them. They do not need to know where the person is to use this ability.

Soulreading - By reaching into a human's chest, an angel can read marks left on the human's soul by another angel. This procedure is very painful for the human, but leaves little physical damage.

Voice mimicry - Angels have the ability to sound like any human they choose.

We can also run fast and we have really good hearing.

'Yes! good idea, come on no one can see us and we can go on stage and erase us from his memory!' she yells running out the door careful to not make a noise, i follow and soon enough we are on stage, Mia runs up to harry, her eyes turn white and she touches his forehead, soon enough she comes running back to me and we run off stage, i dont know how those girls can scream that loud!

I know Mia thinks standing behind a girl with head phones on and started dancing.

We should wait in the changing rooms just in case anything happens! i think and Mia stops dancing and nods and walks to me to the change rooms with 'One Direction' on the door. I put my ear to the door to check that no one is in the room, i heard nothing, Mia looks around us to see if anyone was looking, she shakes her head and we open the door and run in.

i sit on the lounge and Mia sits next to me i smile at her and lean my head on the shoulder.

The door flies open. The concert is finish already?

i dont think so. mia thinks, I quickly look at the person who slammed the door, it was a blonde girl, that has fake hair and nails and boobs. i look at Mia confused, she walks over to us, so me and mia quickly get up and move behind the clothing racks and sit down same with mia so miss- dye can sit down.

Who is she?

Shes harry's girlfriend her name is.. i think Holly, yes Holly Tiff. she changed her last name, She is a model or some shit. Mia thinks

Ah okay? Does liam have a girlfy?

Nope- Only Louis and Zayn do Mia smiles over to me. i nod. A buzz in the room broke the silence and Mia and I both look over to 'Holly' or sould i say 'Miss Fake' something about her isn't right and its isn't her fake boobs or how her right boob is slightly larger then her left or how her face looks like a 4 year old took out a paint brush and painted her face that would come off in 2secs with a wet Kleenex or how her clothes are too small for her and her bum is coming out of her shorts, ew. i just feel like she is trouble. Like seriously. i look over to Mia.

I know, like what does he see in her? Mia thinks. The buzzing stops and i look back to miss fake. She puts up a phone to her ear.

'Hey Mistterrr' She says and twilrs her hair. ' 'he doesnt know about the baby' she says. Wait what? 'So the plan is i will tell him it is his baby but its yours just remember, once i tell him in 6 days he will probably think it is true and we will get married and then i will divorce him and then, woah I get millions of money because im going to keep the kid' she says and smirks. i look over to Mia and she looks at me Weirdly 'Yes honey he doesnt know anything' she says 'Love you toodle' she says and she ends the call and gets up but then stops. 'Ew this smells like boys' she says and sprays the room with some spray that she put too much of and now i cant breathe. I go to cough but Mia puts her hand over my mouth. i nod my head and she takes her hand back, i watch holly as she looks at all the makeup and hair spray. 'aw this is a cute colour' she says and puts lip gloss on her lips and than rubs them together and puts it in her bag. The door opens again and 2 other girls come.

'Oh looky here, Its miss Bitch and miss Fat' Holly says and points to each one when she says their names and smiles, The 2 girls hold their noses.

Who are they?

Perrie is Zayns girlfriend and Eleanor is Louis's girlfriend she thinks pointing to each one. Eleanor is not fat! She is skinny and i dont think Perrie is a bitch!

'Ew why does this smell like you?' Perrie says sitting next to Eleanor 'And im not a bitch look at yourslef, and El is not fat thankyou!' Perrie says, i smile, she seems nice.

'And we both know your using Harry for fame!' Eleanor says and smirks.

'haha you found me! Well who will he believe you or his pregnant girlfriend?' she says and smirks, Eleanors and perries mouth turned into a O i look over to Mia and her eyes were glued on Perrie i think she likes her hair.

'Wh- what?' Perrie says standing up walking over to Holly.

'Yeah thats right' she said and rubbed her tummy.

Eleanor shook her head.

'What are you shaking your fat head for?' she said and smirks knowing that she will win either way.

'I want you to take a test and see who the father is, You could of slept with anyone because your a slut!' eleanor says standing next to a shocked perrie, Perrie soon nodded.

'Haha make me and good luck trying to tell harry that om a 'Slut' she says and laughs evily. Eleanor was about to say something but 5 boys came running in.

'Hey baby' Harry says hugging Holly, Holly smirks.

'Hey..' Holly says. The other boys hug the girls, i think their names are louis and zayn are they?

Yeah mia thinks and nods. Niall and Liam just stood their awkwardly, i feel sorry for them.

We should go. i said and she nodded we got up and made sure we made no noise and walked over to the opened door, we snuck out and run to the door opening it and the cold air hit us we change into our human form and i saw a tree and looked at Mia, Mia giggles and we ran over to it.

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