Chapter 1: The chase

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I had been practicing blood magic in secret for months now, I must of thought myself too clever to be caught, as with the power grows ego, and I thought I was untouchable, as you may have guessed I got caught and kicked out of my community, it was only a little bit of blood magic I didn't understand what the fuss was about, they over reacted exiling me for what could only be considered cheap parlor tricks, they told me it would lead to dark magic, they didn't know what they were talking about, the freedom from right and wrong and even consequence it was thrilling and addictive which only pointed the towns people's concerns as genuine, as I left the village I had grown up in, I left vowing to come back stronger, they would soon see the error of their ways forcing me out into the cold to fend for myself, I didn't need their leash disguised as law and order.

The wind howled outside, the winds were strong and they brought the hint of frost in the air, cut to bone, I could feel the cold envelope me but I was used to it now. I had been an exiled nomad for some time, having to stay one step ahead of a pursuer, I never made the mistake of looking back once I heard that cry, I knew I had to flee for my life. The skies opened and the rain beat down heavily sweeping with the wind. This cave was like many I had called shelter, cold and dank, but enough of a shield from the storms that now swept the land, I pulled my knees to my chest, folding in upon myself, conserving what little body heat I had left. My tired eyes swept the terrain, sleep was a luxury I could ill afford, I had to remain alert. I closed my eyes, as they watered it was refreshing, eased the dull ache in my eyes and head. Food was also a rare luxury, I had to steal, when I got the chance, I had to learn to live somehow.

As I had left the village weeks ago, something or someone followed me, it gave chase that night and it has not stopped since. It invades my dreams, like dark magic it draws me in to end me, I do not know what slight I have caused this beast but in hunts me down. I cannot rest I must keep moving, sleep is a danger to me, I find I can drift into a dreamless sleep in the daytime but it is short, I am always reminded of its presence.

It has drawn close only one time both in my nightmares and waking. In my nightmare I could feel that sense of dread take hold of me, knowing I need only to turn upon my heels to be confronted with this demon. I turned to see it, a black dog, a symbol of legend, a representation of death itself sent to claim me, I am paralyzed, I see it motion toward me.

I woke with a start, I hold to my chest, my heart beats hard enough to feel, I am thankful it was only a nightmare, I gasp, the dog is in the distance, a man shaped figure walked with him, I could feel their intense stare upon me, I did not wait to confront them I ran as fast as my legs would take me, I escaped but that had been close enough for me to know the danger I was facing.

I had grown up around magic, my mother taught me of it and all the good it could do, my father who had hoped for a son taught me of its dangers, he put aside his misgivings of teaching a woman to fight, he taught me in secret as he wished for me to be safe from the world and its dangers. I was lucky to have that time with him, whenever he would talk of women's roles when he had an audience, I would close my eyes and recall our sword play and how he spoke to me like an equal, it would make me able to withstand chores and slurs for I knew his heart, he had to hide it for both our sakes but I smiled knowingly.

My mother wasn't a traditional woman as she taught me magic but for good and protection only she never taught me the dark magic, she would not be proud of the magic I was currently practicing it was blood magic, maybe I had summoned my silent stalker in my novice like enthusiasm for stretching the limits of my new found power, the dark must be drawn to blood magic and the more I used it the closer my pursuer felt to me as it seemed like he was able to sense it and therefore sense me.

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