Only us

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Selena's P.O.V:
I sighed, walking back and forth in my hotel room. I checked my phone again. Nothing. "Why isn't he calling back!?" I mumbled annoyed. Suddenly my phone started vibrating and his Gorgeous smile popped up. Quickly I pressed Accept.
"Hey Se-"
"What the hell Justin!?" I screeched into the phone.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"Why did you post that picture on twitter!? Everyone's going crazy! If you read my mentions you'd want to commit suicide!"
"Woah Selena, calm down..."
"No I will not calm down! My mom has been trying to contact me for the past hour! And so has your mom! I don't know how hasn't Scooter killed your ass, but as soon as he finds out, you better run." I heard shuffling in the background.
"Okay, okay I erased it Selena" I heard him mumble.
I sighed. It's no use, I thought to myself.
"Justin, everyone already saw it" I whispered as my eyes started to get watery.
"Oh my. Selena don't cry please don't" Justin pleaded as quiet whimpers escaped my throat.
"I'm gonna get so much hate Justin" I whispered. Half of me at this point is scared, while the other half was furious.
I heard shuffling in the background and then everything went completely silent.
"Justin?" I asked, worried. I looked at my phone and my eyes widened, I scoffed.
"You little ass" I said to the phone. Great. Justin hung up on me after what he did. Very mature Justin. Sighing, I laid across my bed, and closed my eyes.
Justin's P.O.V. :
"Scooter!" I shouted looking for him.
"Sup little man?" Kenny greeted me.
"Oh, hey Kenny, do you know where scooter's at?"
"He's in the recording studio..."
"Kenny can you do me a favor?" I cut him off before he could finish.
"Justin what did you do?" Kenny asked, in a serious tone.
"Something stupid. I need to get to Selena right now" I shuffled uncomfortably.
Kenny's eye brows shot up in curiosity, "And I suppose you want me to take you there"
"Yes" I replied.
"I don't know what the hell you did this time, but it better be something bad because i'm not sneaking out and driving you for 2 hours just because you want me to" Kenny stated.
"oh! Thanks man! Really!" I grinned, eagerly.
--2 hours later--
"Thanks Ken, I really owe you one" I said, opening the door to the big house me and Selena had just moved into a week ago.
Kenny nodded before leaving. I ran upstairs and saw Selena sprawled across the bed. I smiled and walked over to her.
Selena's P.O.V:
I felt someone shaking me lightly. I groaned. "5 more minutes" I mumbled. Just then I heard a laugh. A laugh too familiar. My head shot up.
"Justin!? What are you doing here?" I asked, a bit shocked.
"Well I decided that my beautiful girlfriend, who has a baby of mine inside of her, needed some attention after her Idiot boyfriend posted a picture of a baby on twitter"
I looked at him, I felt my face starting to soften.
"I'm so sorry" Justin whispered, pulling me closer to him.
I contemplated whether to accept his apology or not. Sighing I sat myself on his lap before saying "It's okay". I smiled up at him.
"thank you" he mumbled as his lips touched my softly.
"For-What?" I mumbled between kisses. He pulled away and lifted me up bridal style, laying me rightly on the bed before crawling next to me.
"For being so amazing" he whispered, touching my face ever so lightly. I blushed a deep red. Before leaning and placing a kiss on his lips.
"I love you" he mumbled.
"I love you too" I whispered, my lips curling upwards.
"And we love you too Little man!" Justin yelled, causing me to giggle.
"how do you know it's a boy?" I asked. He just shrugged.
"Don't know... All I know is that right now its only us 3. Only us" he whispered before re-attaching our lips.
Only us.

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