Chapter 2: different

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"Now, we do the hunting parrot" sensei Wu continued. The ninja changed their position and imitated him. "And what if we go on an adventure? Maybe we can find something" Zane suggested. "How much chance do we have to find something?" Kai said annoyed. "We've got 3,8%!" Zane said happily. The ninja sighed. -BAM-

The heads of the ninja turned to right. Lloyd fell down on the ground. Jay and Cole started laughing. Sensei Wu turned around. "You wasn't concentrated!" He said calm. Kai and Zane walked to Lloyd and helped him up. "Everything alright Lloyd? Your never like this?" Asked Kai. "He's right. Normally your always talking a lot, but today I even didn't hear you" Zane said. Lloyd dint looked to their faces. "I also feel me different... I don't know what it is. The whole time I'm thinking about it to figure out what it is, but I just don't know it" Lloyd told them.

In the time that Lloyd was telling to Zane and Kai, sensei Wu walked to Jay and Cole and hit them both with his stick. "Hey!" Jay yelled. "Why did you do that?!" Cole said, touching the place where Wu hit him. "Maybe you have to help your team, not laughing at them" Wu said.

"Maybe you have to take some rest" Nya said, who came over to Lloyd. Lloyd looked confused to her. He didn't had himself in the hand. "Yes, maybe that's a good idea" said Kai, after he saw Lloyd's confusing eyes. "Take rest, we will trick Wu" Zane said and they walked back and stood ready in the line again, between Jay and Cole. Wu saw Lloyd walking back inside. "What is Lloyd going to do?" He asked a bit to curious. "He eeerrr... He didn't felt well" Cole lied. Sensei Wu looked unbelievable to him, but continued the morning training.

"What do I feel? It's so weird! I can't describe it and I don't know what it is, but I'm busy with it the whole time!" Lloyd's thoughts were full of questions. He walked in circles through the room. "Is it because I'm the green ninja? Is it trying to tell me something? How am I going to know what it is?...."

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