War in Iraq

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This story is dedicated to Palpita - a poet and story teller here on Wattpad.

A/N: Sometime last year my wife waved a newspaper in my face and asked 'What do you think of that'? The paper had been carefully folded around an article and it prompted me to write this, my first fairy story!

Once upon a time, early in the twenty-first century, the six most powerful men in the USA sat around a table in the most secure office in America; deep below the basement of the White House.

In silence, each contemplated the single sheet of printed-paper in front of him.

The President broke the silence.

'Most impressive Chuck, but what does it all add up to? Put some names on these numbers.'

Chuck stood and coughed nervously, conscious that all eyes were upon him as they waited for him to speak.

'Well Mr. President. We've identified 87 billion dollars we can 'apportion to a project over the next few years. We can make a decision here tonight to provide clean water, sanitation and basic education for every man woman and child on the planet that don't already have it.  Or, we can have a war in Iraq'!

And they all lived un-happily ever after.

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