Chapter 2

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  (Mitchell Bennett) ^^^

one hundred eighteen days before

MY HEART PATTERED as I rushed to my first period. Time and I never went together. My English teacher was lazily typing on his computer as I sat down, trying to control my loud breathing. "Mitchell Bennett is saved once again." Mr. Robinson mumbled.

This guy was as old as dinosaur bones. His shiny white hair and thin glasses almost matched in color. He also had a bald spot right on top of his head that he always scratched for some reason. Mr. Robinson cleared his throat multiple times before standing up and slowly walking to the front of the classroom.

"Y'all take your rough drafts out." He croaked, picking up a stack of papers from the dark wooden desk. My mind drifted off, far away from here.

What exactly was I doing with my boring teen life? This wasn't the first time that I had asked myself this question. I was pretty sure my parents expected a lot more from me, but were too warm-hearted to say that I was a bit of a disappointment. Hell, I wasn't sure myself if it was even a "bit." The way I turned out to be wasn't according to plan, I'm guessing. I was the son who made people think that I was going straight. I hoped that a boy would soon crush on me, or even flirt. I imagined the conversation:

"You're Mitchell, right?"

"Yeah," I'd laugh. "Why?"

"I'm . . . Lillian told me all about you!"

I would try to impress the guy, but that obviously would never happen. I was too awkward and uncoordinated. What the hell was I supposed to do? I was a lame guy that took photography class instead of football. I wasn't like Winston, who was clever, or Axel who was sports-minded. I sure as hell wasn't as smart as Nicolai, who graduated early.

I admit it - I had envy towards my brothers. They had all achieved something in their short lives. Even Edward, being a middle-schooler and all. At least he had a boyfriend once. I've never had a boyfriend, and my cheeks still got heated whenever I thought about it. My teacher handed me an essay sheet, giving me a blank stare. I smiled tightly at him, quickly writing my name on the sheet. This class was going to go by slow as hell.

* * *

I WAS ACTUALLY early when I entered Geometry. It gave me a chance to go to the bathroom and buy a drink from the vending machines. Hey - I was a slow walker, okay? I didn't really hang out with anyone besides my brother Winston, Sammy, and Lillian.

"Aren't you excited?" Lillian exclaimed as she sat down next to me. "I'm so ready to be sixteen, Mitchell." She ran a hand through her long, wavy brown hair before letting out a deep breath, showing joy in her bright hazel eyes.

I stared at the freckles that splattered across her cheeks, giving her a sheepish smile. "Must be a life goal." I mumbled. "Well," She thought for a moment. "I'm just ready to eat a bunch of good food. I'm so happy that you're all coming."

"Really?" I tried to sound interested. It was barely third period; I honestly wasn't in the mood to fantasize about sweet sixteens and such things. But, knowing Lillian, she had a warm and very big heart, and she is my dearest, best friend.

So, I couldn't be an asshole and give her a snarky reply. "Yeah!" Lillian glanced at the doorway. "Here she comes." I spotted Sam's curly scarlet hair as she entered the classroom. Lillian grinned at her, pointing at the empty desk in front of me. "Sammy-Sam," Lillian greeted Sammy as she sat down.

"Hey, guys."

"It's Pippi Longstocking," I said. Sam looked amused, turning her body so that she was facing both of us. "Do you guys wanna go to 'Tis The Tea after school? I wanted to try the new pumpkin spice tea, or whatever the new flavor was called. Oh wait, I forgot! Mitchell is trash."

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