Chapter 6

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Iris was silent after that. I'm guessing she got angry at herself for opening up (even if it was less than 1%), because right after I gave her my little look of sympathy, she sort of growled then got up and disappeared into the crowd. I had to admit that I was a bit concerned. I had watched her drain nearly the entire new bottle of champagne.

So, I did the stupidest thing I could think of.

I went after her.

For safety reasons, of course. I couldn't just let her walk into the arms of danger or trouble. It would make me a bad friend, although I'm not sure if Iris considered me as a friend, which I definitely highly doubted. Besides, if I didn't somehow keep an eye on her, Lillian would come back and ask where Iris went, and I would have to lie. I disliked lying to Lillian.

The spawn of Satan was apparently fast, because I couldn't find her anywhere. I decided to give up, and head back towards the dance floor, only to be stopped by the sight of Curtis smoking a cigarette outside.

I walked over to the large doors and made my way outside towards my brother. "Have you spotted her yet?" he slurred. Christ, was he wasted too?

I knew what game he was playing. He knew I had danced with her, he just wanted to hear the words come out of my mouth. "Were you not inside?" I asked. Instead of answering me, Curtis handed me his still lit cigarette and gave me a pat on the shoulder before walking away.

I felt annoyed for debating whether I should have smoked the cigarette or not. But I tried it anyway, betraying my hint of guilt. I brought the nasty thing towards my lips and sucked on it, immediately regretting the whole thing. I coughed like I was about to die. I wheezed. Considered vomiting all of my organs. After a long five minutes of trying to recollect myself, I took another hit. I got the hang of it after a few tries. A mild buzz was taking effect, and I felt extremely calm.

What the hell was I doing? If she decided to get loaded and go do stupid shit, then that's her problem, not mine. I shouldn't be giving half a fuck. Well, it's not like I do give half a fuck . . .

I couldn't just be the god damn wallflower at Lillian's birthday party either, so I forced myself to crush the cigarette on the floor and join my friends inside. They all looked like they were having a motherfucking blast. Winston was dancing with a guy that I'd never seen. Even he was having fun. I couldn't hide my disappointment when I didn't see Iris anywhere. What was she doing? Lillian was laughing while dancing against Sam like a lunatic. "Where's Iris?" she asked once she laid eyes on me. I shrugged, taking a glass of gold champagne from a nearby butler's tray. After draining the glass and setting it down, I joined my crazy friends in the drunken blob, feeling the alcohol finally beginning to kick in.

* * *
AN HOUR WENT by like a flash. My dads looked pretty lively, and my brothers were each doing their own thing; although I couldn't seem to find Axel anywhere. I'm not surprised, I mentally slurred.

Okay, I wasn't wasted but I was a little tipsy. My friends were beyond tipsy. I wondered just how much they had to drink. But it couldn't have been more than what Iris drank. My heart dropped. Iris. She hadn't returned. I felt my insides clench and began to panic. What happened to her? I immediately spun in all directions, trying to spot the familiar maroon dress but saw faint blurs instead. Fuck! The alcohol really did kick in!

"Fuck," I slurred. Where had Iris disappeared to? I tapped Nixia on the shoulder, leaning into her ear and said, "Your sister has been missing for over an hour, I think she's gotten into trouble." Nixia's eyes widened as she started looking around also. "Perhaps she's in the bathroom?" she suggested. I blinked. I couldn't go into the girl's bathroom! "Maybe I should go check." Nixia motioned for me to follow her, so I did.

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