new world

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I walked out of the portal and I entered where my new world would be. The whole planet looked like it was mad of obsidien. The Sun shone silver and it reminded me of the maiden goddess that captured my heart but I would never admit it to anyone but Zane and Jason. I was so caught up in thought of arty that I didn't hear chaos talking.

"Do you understand Percy?" chaos asked

I blushed and said something worthy of Athena something like "Uhhh?"

Zane snickered "thinking of someone special there bro?"

I blushed even more. "Chaos can you repeat that please?"

Chaos sighed "fine. You three will become three of the five elemental guardians of earth. The other two are old friends of yours. The guardian of land is Luke Castella and the guardian of water is his wife Zoë Nightshade. Zane will become the elemental of fire and Jason will become the elemental of wind. Percy is a special guardian. He is the guardian of umbra ignis. But to those who font speak Latin it is shadow fire. It burns you from existence. You will crumble to dust and your soul will just he gone. Only o and the elementals are not harmed by it. Nyx will adopt you three w beach of you will be adopted by a different primordial god. You will also become primordial your selves. I will adopt Perseus and he will become heir to the universe. Pontus wants to make Zane his son and Uranus wants to make Jason his son. You all will become their predecessors.
Do you understand Perseus? Also you will hav to return to earth so you will get new names."

"Yes we understand and thanks for the new names. Now can we do this? I'm booooored." Zane complained.

"Yep perfect. Just like Pontus." chaos chuckled "Pontus, Nyx, Uranus get your primordial asses down here!"

The three primordial did as they were told. Nyx had long black hair, pitch black eyes, a black dress,and an LA tan. Pontus had blue skin, sea green eyes, blue hair, and a algae green cloak. Ouronus had sky blue skin, white cloud like hair, eyes like storms and a onesie with clouds and the sky and made me about crack up.

"Ouronus what the chaos are you wearing." chaos asked. Ouronus looked down and about yelped. He then started sporting pants and a t shirt that had the same theme as the onesie. "That's better."

"I assume you told them everything." Nyx said

"You assume right daughter. I have adopted Percy now your turn."

-Time skip over the adoptio s because I'm lazy and kinda tired because it's like 1:30 am whilebim righting this-

After being adopted Zane became able to control all liquids and was able to create things from the water as well as change liquids into different liquids and from Nyx we can do a form of shadow travel called night walking witch makes him able to travel universe from darkness as well as create things from darkness and he became her predecessor as well as Pontus' because they are the easiest domain to handle. Jason can now create things from air and can cloud travel which is like shadow travel but he has to make a fig and when he uses it he can travel universes and has the same powers a from Nyx as Zane and became Ouronus' predecessor. I now can control anything, create things from thin air and can use every form of travel and I have the same powers as Zane and Jason from Nyx. I also am the heir to the universe. Now for the primordial thing.

Zane- primordial domains: The betrayed, weaponry, fire, life, anger, love, vengence and hate. Sacred animals: ravens, snakes, dragons and drakons
Wepons of power:staff of the ancients and shadowstriker
Jason- primordial domains: courage, the broken, weaponry, air, death, anger, love, and judgment
Sacred animals: pigeon and the lynx
Weapon of power: ivlivs
Me- Primordial of heroes, warriors, weaponry, umbra ignis, undead, emotions, animals and minor creation
Sacred animals: Lions, Wolves and hellhounds.
Weapons of power: riptide and stormbringer.

"Oh and by the way perce, Zane and Jason this land is called terra ditionem proditis. This is where we hold the at my and guilds of chaos along with the primordial for this is the first planet. Well I would recommend finding Luke and Zoë before they lesrn your here and kill you for not finding them as soon as we were done." chaos recommended and we ran Off to find her.

Finally. The chapter is finally over after days of working on it. Also the chapter before this is changed a lot and that's because I didn't like it so I tried to make it better. Did I?

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