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I don't own Percy Jackson. That honor goes to Rick roirdan. But I do own the plot. Also the point. Of views will change. 18+ for blood and Gore, intense situations, crude humor, sexual humor, adult situations, smut, and strong language.

*Percy Jackson POV*

Hello I'm Percy Jackson. I'm currently killing a giant king so so I'll make this quick. I am a demigod son of Poseidon. I am his only living child other than Zane Friend. Me and my demigod family are at war with Gaia. Yeah you head me right I am fighting mother fucking earth.

"Percy behind you!" I heard someone yell and I think it was Zane. I turned around only to block the sword of Porphyrion.

"Give up kid. I was born to replace Zues. You can not beat me like you did all my brothers. I am harder to kill. I am king of the fucking Giants. Back down and you will die with mercy." Porphyrion tried to negotiate.

"I am no coward. I will not give up on my family so that I may die without pain!" I snarl at the giant. Then I seen a flash and knew I was about to get shocked but it never came. Instead Zane and Jason absorbed the shock. They flew two different ways. I looked at Jason and he was knocked out and his leg looked fried. Then I looked at Zane. He had his hand in front of his left eye, blood was leaking through the cracks of his fingers. In his right hand was a heart bleeding golden ichor. I looked at the king giant and seen a whole in his chest where his heart should be and realized Zane ripped his heart. He the took an arrow from his quiver and stabbed the heart with it.

"Apollo or Artemis shoot the heart!" Zane yelled and two arrows shot the heart on was silver and the other was gold showing both of the twin archers had shot the heart and then the giant king crumbled to dust and died.

"Poor kid. He was a good son." Said female voice. "Anyway I challenge Perseus to a sword fight. Does he except."

Then I realized that voice belonged to Gaia. without turning I spoke up. "I ACCEPT!" I yell before anyone could advise me different.

"Ok. All powers allowed. And this goes until one dies or forfeits. AND BEGIN!" I heard her yell
I don't know what happened but my muscles got a mind of their own and took over my body. The next thing I knew I had a huge gash on my right arm and I had my sword in Gaia's neck and she crumbled to dust leaving only the silver dust and ichor of a primordial. All the conscious people looked at me with with either  fear or awe. All but Zane who looked at me with pride.

"Now that's my bad ass brother. Hades yeah." Zane spoke

"Stop using my name as a curse word." Hades whined earning a laugh from the conscious people. Then I seen Zane pass out and Apollo flashed him to his palace. Then black consumed me.

When I awoke I heard Apollo and Hephestus talking.

"They all have they're new parts attached . Oh look they're all waking up."

I open my eye and looked around and seen Zane and Jason.
"We are really sorry. We did everything We could. Zane half your brain is robotic as is your eye. Percy your right arm couldn't be saved and neither could your leg Jason. Both of those are robotic. Don't worry.the people in this room are the Only ones that know about the fake limbs. But they're are perks added to your new body parts." Apollo said.

"Jason now you can jump 100 times what you usually can. Percy your right arm makes you able to lift 100 times you usually could. It also has a hidden weapon, poison needle+ hidden gun, grapple hook, and a traction glove. All that looks like a normal vambrace. Each of you have two. one on each wrist." Hephestus said. I looked at my wrists and seen the vambraces and my fakerl arm. I guess its not that bad. I seen Zane and Jason look at they're wrist and they had all that junk hephestus talked about but they couldn't lift the weight I can. "Zane you may notice a wrist watch. That has a blue tooth like thing to your fake eye. Your fake eye can take videos a show you characters on the watch I you take it out, it also will explode, spew smoke, create a hologeam, take photos and acts as a pretty bad ads speaker.and to play music just type in a playlist or song on Your watch. It does goes glow red in the dark like terminator though. Also your mechanical part of your brain stores the pictures your eye Takes and has unlimited storage space and it has a copy of Athena's database making you as smart as her. I think that's all. Now go. Zues called council and wants you guy's they're to reward you."

Th me three of us ran to the throne room and stumbled in almost fallin when we go in an the gods and goddesses started to laugh or giggle. We quickly took our spots.

"Now that we are all here time to give rewards. Perseus step forward." Zues said smiling and I stepped forward."now I will offer god hood for the second time but I don't know why I bother. I'm going to guess you'll decline and do something completely selfless. Am I correct?"

"Yes you are uncle Z. Can hestia and Hades get thrones instead?" I ask

"Of course nephew." when Zues finished saying that a throne that was made of bones appeared and Hades after coming out his shock sat in it and then a warn orange and red throne appeared and hestia Sat in it. Then the two eldest children of Rhea smiled at there favorite nephew.

"Zane friend step forward. What would you like as a reward?" Zues asked

"I know you wright the ancient laws Zues so I would like the law that says that a god can't be in his kids to be rewrote so that the gods can actually interact with there children. We could have avoided the second titan war if the gods did that because Luke wouldn't have turned." Zane said
"I guess it wouldn't hurt now would it. Jason what would you like as a reward?"

"I would like Leto and Calypso freed from they're prison." Jason said.

Then the awarding went on and the rest of the hero's chose to become partial immortal like the hunters of Artemis who I admit I do have a crush on Artemis but I love Annabeth so I'll have to just ignore my feelings for Arty.

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