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If you are Anna Arendelle you'll live life to the fullest. You will always be the first to try new things and be willing to try everything. You'll live for all new experiences, broken legs not excluded. You'll also have an overprotective sister who nags you about taking care of your healing body. You'll love her, but sometimes it's impossible for you two to see eye to eye. Now is one of those times.

"No, Anna, you are not leaving your crutches in the car." Elsa tried to convince her sister.

"Aww, but they slow me down," she whined.

"It'll slow you don't if you don't have them. You can't even walk."

"Yes I- ow!" she retreated her foot from the ground after trying to stand.


Anna crossed her arms and pouted.


"They make me look weak."

Elsa spoke sternly. "That is ridiculous. It's not like you're trying to impress anyone." She pointed to her sister's crutches. "Get them."

Anna glared. Elsa glared back.

Anna exhaled. "Oh fine. Just don't look at me like that."

"Thank you. You know, I'm only doing this because I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." She wobbled out of the car. "I'll go ahead."


"Which house is it again?"

"Hold on." Elsa reached into the glove compartment and took out an old Birthday Party invitation. "1600," she called back.

"Thanks." Anna hobbled up the pathway to Rapunzel's townhouse. A couple weeks ago Rapunzel's boyfriend, Flynn, had proposed to her. She insisted on not making a big deal out of it until the wedding, ergo no engagement party. Still, the sisters felt it was only necessary to at least bring a gift to celebrate the occasion.

As Elsa got out the slim, rectangular box she heard Anna's knock followed by Rapunzel's screams of excitement and quick footsteps. The air was squeezed out of Elsa's lungs when she was suddenly hugged from behind very tightly by a still squealing Rapunzel.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Rapunzel sang when Elsa turned to face her.

She laughed. "Well we're happy to see you too."

Rapunzel gasped loudly and put her hands over her mouth. "You guys haven't met him yet, have you?"

"No, actually we haven't."

"Great!" She dragged Elsa behind her as she ran back into her home. "I'll introduce you two. He's right in the kitchen talking to a friend."

"Where should I put this?" Elsa smiled and waved the box in Rapunzel's face.

Rapunzel gasped and put her hands over her mouth again. "You guys got me a present? You shouldn't have!" She rubbed her hands together. "What's in it?"

Elsa handed the box to Rapunzel. "Here, open it."

She gently pulled off the gold ribbon and opened the tiny box with one eye closed. She opened the other eye when she saw it was a gold chained necklace with an amethyst heart lined with gold. In the center of the heart was a tiny golden sun. She took it out of the box and held it next to her heart.

"Oh I love it!" She hugged Elsa and said, "Thank you." Then she turned her head and yelled into the next room, "Hey Eugene! Come meet my cousins, and look at this beautiful necklace!"

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