Chapter 9

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Pinkie Pie sat at the diner with Fluttershy explaining the whole thing, how she felt about Rainbow Dash not holding her hand infront other people. Fluttershy nodded and giving her thoughts about it.

"I just I wish I knew why she done that." Pinkie Pie poke at her salad as Fluttershy frowned a little noticing her friend's behavior.

"Maybe she's not used to it." Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie sighed and rubbed her face. She pushed up her salad and slammed her head down on the table. Fluttershy pouted and sighed as she pulled out her wallet.

"Come on Pinkie, we need to get ready for the game." Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie sighed stood up. They walked back to Pinkie Pie's house so she could get ready to cheer. Pinkie Pie pulled out her short blue skirt and long sleeve shirt that's stops at the top of her belly button. Pinkie Pie slipped on the outfits and she sat down on her bed as Fluttershy brushed her curls and started to put it in a french braid with some curls sticking out, making it look better like that.

Fluttershy grabbed some coats and slipped it in her bag and Pinkie Pie slipped on her white socks and her clean white tennis shoes. They walked out and Pinkie Pie seemed to brighten up some as they walked to the football game.

"Okay, I'll be in the usual seat." Fluttershy said as they hugged each other and Pinkie Pie walked over to the cheerleading team. She sat next to Rarity and Spike. She smiled and they the cheers and Fluttershy clapped for Pinkie Pie when she pulled the plug for the cannons to shoot glitter over their team after they won.

"Is Pinkie Pie still here?" Rainbow Dash asked as Fluttershy turned. Fluttershy nodded but she bit her lip.

"Can you tell her to met me in the bathroom?" Rainbow Dash asked as Fluttershy nodded.

"Did you see that?! Glitter everywhere!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she flung her arms all around the place. Fluttershy giggled and handed Pinkie Pie her sweatshirt and Pinkie Pie slipped it over her shoulders.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash wants to met you in the restroom." Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie's blue eyes brighten and ran over to the bathroom. She barged in the door and saw Rainbow Dash looking in the mirror.

Pinkie Pie jumped in Rainbow Dash's arms. Rainbow Dash smiled and just buried her face in her neck. Pinkie Pie giggled as Rainbow Dash started to peck her cheeks.

"You came?" Pinkie Pie asked as Rainbow Dash chuckled and nodded.

"Of course I did, besides my best friend loves football games." Rainbow Dash said as she heard the door opening and Rainbow Dash let go of Pinkie Pie and Pinkie Pie frowned but covered it up.

"Oh." Pinkie Pie said as Rainbow Dash laced their hands together and they walked out but not far enough where people could see them. Pinkie Pie sent a text to Fluttershy saying Rainbow Dash is walking her home. Rainbow Dash let go of Pinkie Pie's hand and shoved her hand in her pockets and they walked out to the parking lot.

In silence as Pinkie Pie frowned and Rainbow Dash sighed as they walked away from the school Rainbow Dash grabbed Pinkie Pie's hand and kissed her hand. Pinkie Pie giggled and blushed. Rainbow Dash smiled and Pinkie Pie started to swing their hands together.

"Are you scared?" Pinkie Pie asked as Rainbow Dash looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie sighed.

"Are you scared to hold hands with me in public?" Pinkie Pie asked as Rainbow Dash looked at her and she bit her lip. She stopped walking and Pinkie Pie looked at her worriedly and Rainbow Dash licked her lips.

"Pinkie Pie I really like you, but I'm not ready to come out." Rainbow Dash said as Pinkie Pie nodded with some tears in her eyes. Rainbow Dash wiped away the tears and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry I'm still yours." Rainbow Dash whispered as Pinkie Pie smiled and nodded as she placed her head on her shoulder.

Heyyo Guys!!!!!

What we thinks????? Sorries for the lateness!!! I am like sleeping less now, so I'm dosing off in class which is making me have more homework. Arghh, anyone wanna trade my life with theres??? Lol, jk wells tellls me what we thinks??? Don't worries the big stuff is gonna come soon!!!!

*Edited: Dec. 16, 2015*

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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