Halo-Team Neon Episode 5

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Hell looked around the room seeing everything change into a battlefield, soldiers dieing, explosions, and a lot of gun fire. Hell got hit by more images in his head. "Ready, Set, Go!" annouced Jeffrey. "oh by the way everything will probably feel real the bullets might not kill you but this training program is to defend yourself Hell got it?" he said, "yes sir" hell reply. Grunts and Jackel Snipers spawned from a teleporter and were getting in to position along with Elites and Big Hunters. Hell quickly grabbed a Pistol and a Battle Rifle and hid behind a corner waiting for one of them to come. A grunt saw Hell and fired it's Plasma pistol full blast making Hell fly back towards the wall. "Dam....." He said in pain, and quickly regained his balanced firing at the grunt killing him with a headshot. "He did it!" Donut said happily, "calm down donut it was just a lucky shot" replyed Jeffrey. Hell looked to the left seeing a Big Hunter with a Huge Plasma weapon strapped to it's arm and a enourmous Sheild on his other arm starring right at him charging up his laser. Hell quickly got both his Pistol and Rifle and fired at the Hunter but to was no effect since it blocked with his sheild. Hell put his weapons away and dashed towards the Hunter, but the Hunter quickly countered, knocking Hell face first towards the ground and kept slamming further. "Hell!" Donut said worried, "come on hell" said Jeffrey. Hell blacked out and started to have images in his head again, but this time there were no words just images of Hell killing aliens and his sharpshooting. "Please tell me how to turn on my armor lock...." Hell thought. Nothing happened, the images faded, everything went blank until he saw an image of his friends being killed, Deadscar's throat had gotten slit, Donut had gotten his head cut off by an elite, and Andrea had died from a bullet in the heart and died in Hell's arms. "No....i won't let this happen" He thought, "I can't!.....I Won't..." Hell sudden grabbed the Hunter's sheild stopping it from hitting him. His helmet visor was already cracked open to where his left eye was open freely, his torso was scratched and forehead was bleeding. "Hell..." Donut said. "I won't let it happen" Hell whispered to himself. "I won't!" he said opening his eyes and locking into armor lock the Hunter stood there wondering what was going on. Hell released the armor lock knocking off all alien sheilds. Hell Grabbed a grenade and took off the pin and punched the Hunter hard in the stomach making a hole in his stomach leaving the grenade in it. As hell walked away not looking back an explosion killing all aliens around the Hunter. Hell walked out of the training room, unharmed from the explosion but a cut in his forehead. "Hell....." Donut said with a shock. Hell opened his eyes once more. "I'll make them all pay" he said coldy, and walked off to the leader's meeting.

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