x : shattered

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So much lying
Amie is crying
I shout til my lungs burn
Reflecting how my insides churn

Innocense in those doe eyes
Do nothing now since Summer's paralyzed
Lost in her own thoughts and mind
The things that lead to Miles's demise

Peter is Summer's one defense
Its hurts my heart to think of his reasons
His heart telling him a girl once might like him
He's only a pawn in a game of chess

My mind spins over how Miles must be
Never lasting long
What did he do wrong
Tears flowing down his cheeks

Amie misses the good old days
Innocent jokes and laughter brays
Though we will never be the same
After two great heartbreaks

I whisper secrets in Seth's ear
"How long do we have, my dear?"
Before we refuse to speak
Or if I see him I will weep
He doesn't know what to think

Amie wants to put us back
But our damage is beyond small cracks
We're shattered, jagged edges will cut her hands
She can't do it without a relapse

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