Amazing Grace

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"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, the saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see"

The southern states sang the hymn as the keys on the piano were being pressed down to find the right melody. Tae Hayes had something else on her mind, and it wasn't about praising the glory of God. It was about what had happened. The secession. It all started because South Carolina couldn't keep his sanity in order and his mouth shut. Now the southern states were the Confederate States of America, and it was hell. It's not like the Georgian wanted it. She was forced into it. Now she was here. Now she was a confederate. Now she was one of the rebels. Why did it have to happen? Was secession really necessary? She couldn't handle it. It was too much for a fifteen year old to handle. Without thinking, she stopped singing. The hymnal fell from her hands and fell onto the ground. The girl ran out of the church and fell on her knees, her hands clasped over her mouth as she cried. Apparently amazing grace hadn't fell upon her or the rest...then again, when had it?

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