To God Be The Glory

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To God be the glory great things He hath done! So loved us the world that He gave us His son, who yielded His life an atonement for sin, and opened the lifegate that all may go in.

Emma Reed was torn. She didn't know what to believe anymore. One second she was all for the Confederates and the next thing you know she's wondering if the Union is better.

The war was near ending and Emma stayed with her fellow southern states. She didn't know who to root for anymore. So she stayed quiet and hoped for the best. Her state did take quite a beating. It wasn't fair to her. Then again, nothing is fair in war.

The hot sun beat down on the southern states as they rested from marching a long ways. Emma had went off to a nearby creek to get things off of her mind. Sunlight flooded through trees and made the river seem to sparkle. The Tennessean smiled. To her, without war of course, the atmosphere around them was beautiful.

She did seem thankful for the scenery. The trees were beautiful as was the creek. It reminded her of a hymn she knew of. So, she started humming the tune.

"To God be the glory great things He hath done..."

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