Chapter 11-Ditching is Healthy

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That Monday, I awoke to soft kisses being pressed into my hair. I didn't open my eyes, but snuggled closer to Alex, laying my arm and head on his chest. I felt him vibrate with laughter beneath me, and I pulled my eyes open slowly. Alex was grinning down at me, his hair ruffled from sleep.

"Morning Katia," he said.

"Morning," I said, stifling a yawn.

Alex chuckled again and climbed out of bed, holding his hand out to me and helping me up. Not that I needed it of course, but because, I think, like me, Alex felt it was almost painful not to be touching the other. He wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked downstairs quickly and nimbly.

Sam was flipping eggs in the kitchen, and Jake stood behind her, distracting her. Sam whipped round and whacked his head with the spatula she was holding, telling him to, quote, buzz off. Jake pouted as he turned back, but his face broke into a sly grin when he saw me and Alex. I blushed and Jake waved like a little kid.

"Morning Katty!" he said loudly.

I rolled my eyes at him and Alex shook his head. Sam called everyone else in as she slipped her eggs onto a plate and shoved it on the table with toast and jam. She turned round to grab something from the fridge, but I wriggled from Alex's grasp and got there first.

"What d'you need?" I asked.

"Ham or that chicken please!" she called back.

I pulled the packet of ham from the fridge and peeled off a few slices, throwing them on a plate. I sat down by Alex and grabbed some of everything.

As I ate, I felt someone's eyes on me, and I looked up to see Chris glaring at me. I felt my cheeks redden as I looked down at my food, and I became very interested in spreading the jam on my piece of toast. Alice began jabbering away about going shopping in some place or another, telling me I had to come to see something, but I wasn't really paying attention. My mind was too occupied by trying to figure out why Chris hated me quite so much. Yes, he was the 'law-enforcer' of the pack, but I wasn't a human, and nobody had broken any rules. So what the hell was his problem?

His eyes didn't stop boring into my skull while I ate, and I felt myself becoming very self-conscious. Matt, Jake and Alex were talking about a guys night out at some new club, and Alice and Sam were arguing about which shops to go to, Carline adding her two cents every now and then. I suppose I should have taken part in the latter conversation, but in reality, I had no interest in shopping.

I finished off my breakfast and sat uncomfortably, squirming in my seat. I glanced up nervously, my shy trait pulling to the surface. Chris was still glaring at me, but everyone else was partaking in some discussion or other, and seemed perfectly at ease.

The chatter died down after five or ten minutes and I noticed that everyone ad finished. I got up with Alice and helped her clear up, trying my best to ignore Chris, and failing miserably. Alice dragged me from the kitchen, throwing a 'see you in a moment' over her shoulder at Matt.

"Please let me pick your clothes!" she begged.

"Jeez Alice! All my clothes have been 'okayed' by you anyway," I complained, not wanting to play dress-up.


"Ugh! Fine! You owe me," I said grumpily.

Alice lead me upstairs and riffled through my wardrobe. She threw a few clothes at me, and told me to suck it up and put them on. With a sigh, I did as she asked. I let her do my hair, but I had to draw the line at make-up. I hated make-up, and I never wore it, and I told her just that.

"You are so not normal Katia," she said.

"It really took you this long to work that out?" I asked, grinning.

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