Glowing for no good reason Chapter 2

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Authors note : Sorry I forgot say this earlier but I don't own Dc. Just this plot and the character's that have come out of my crazy mind. Also warning cursing ahead ( I count taking the Lord's name in vain). Now enjoy my friends!

Now that the team was free they ran to Robin's side. Except Superboy because there was still kryptonite bullet in Robin's hand so he was lying on the floor, but still worried.

"Robin you must stay awake." Auqalad said as Kid Flash yelled "I need to get him to the hospital now!"

"No." The Boy Wonder said in a strong tone then he coughed up more blood. "You don't get a say in this. Besides if you die Bat-daddy will kill us. Now shut up and let us save your life." Artemis growled as she put the bullet in a lead lined box to help Superboy.

"I meant you don't have to worry. Lucy wouldn't let me die. I still owe her a dance. " Robin said with a smirk as he watched his veins begin to glow a beautiful gold color. He smiled to himself as he blacked out in to a peaceful sleep scaring everyone else in the room.

"Rob! Rob! ROB! God damn it Robin wake up!" Kid Flash yelled as he shook his best friend's unconscious body. "Stop it your going to kill him even faster Kid Idiot!" Artemis yelled as she pulled the young speedster off the Boy Wonder's glowing figure.

"He's going to be alright, right Kalder?" asked Miss Martian as she helped Superboy to his feet.
"Yes, but only if we get Robin to the watch tower med bay soon. Let's go to the bioship now." Aqualad ordered as he picked up the body of their youngest teammate. Their little brother.

"And no one is going to mention that he is glowing for no reason." Artemis said under her breath as they ran towards the bioship.


On a rooftop not that far away the outline of a 17 year old girl could be seen watching the young heroes running in the night. She chuckled to herself and said "He does owe me a dance but it will have to wait. I hope you sleeps well my little acrobat. May you fly through you dreams with the wings of an angel."

The teens got into their ship and fly of to their hidden mountain base carrying the resting bird with them.

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