A Handsome Stranger

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I got called by Hayworth, the store manager to come into work early today because the normal cashier, Sarah was sick today. Meaning I got extra money for sitting on my butt on a Saturday so I hurried to get ready. I threw my completely flat, straight hair up in a pony tail and threw on my grey tank top, a blue flannel, white shorts, and my grey and pink vans and rushed out the door. I totally forgot breakfast so I stopped by Starbucks on the way there, I still don't understand why we have something like that in such a small town but I'm not questioning it. It's good coffee and food it's not like anyone doesn't like it. After I got to work since it was only about 9 a.m. I sat down and started to read my book I just started, The Virgin Suicides by Jeffery Eugenides. So far I'm in love with it, I honestly question why I'm so fascinated by it so much, but learning new things and about new things always makes it exciting. It was about 9:30 before anyone came in the store.
I heard the bell jingle, meaning someone entered the store but I ignored it because I was too distracted in my book. About 5 minutes later i heard a kind of deep voice say "Hey, do you have any icee machines here?" I marked my place with a paper and closed the book and put it under the counter without looking up. When I looked up I realized it was a tall guy no older than about 18 or 19. He was literally the definition of a perfect guy. His hair was dark brown, his eyes a dark brown, he wasn't buff but he was thin, he was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and jeans with black hi-tops. He noticed I was staring and was sort of in a daze so he laughed lightly to himself and spoke again "Uhm, hello?" I snapped out of it and said "Oh, Uhm yeah they're in the back of the store near the cold drinks in the fridges." He smiled and his smile was just so perfect it almost made me melt, and he said "Okay, thank you."  My heart was racing and my mind was going crazy asking a million questions to myself. I wonder how old is he? Is he just passing through? Is he new to town? Should I start a conversation with him? Should I give him my number? Within a few moments he returned with  two blue raspberry icees, my favorite. Oh shoot, he's probably got a girlfriend you dummy! I hadn't even thought of that. I slapped my palm against my forehead and spoke aloud "Oh you idiot!" He looked up and said "Who? Me?" I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks because I was so embarrassed. I quickly said "No! No! Not you! I was talking about myself." He laughed and said "You were talking to yourself? Is that normal around here?" He made a joke of it, that's good.  I smiled and continued the conversation "Yeah, haven't you heard? This is a mad town, most of us are madder than a hatter!" He laughed and his laugh was so adorable I literally thought I was going to die in awe, "Well, maybe my mom shouldn't have moved us here after all." My eyes widened "You just moved here?" He was looking down at his wallet now and looked up and answered "Yeah, we just moved in down the street from here. My mom wanted to move closer to the mountains so here we are." I smiled because this means he could be going to my school!  "Are you going to go to Loran High?" He laid the money on the counter "There's 2.14 even. And yes, I'll be a senior. You?" A senior! Oh my gosh. I'm a freshmen he won't like a freshmen. I realized he was staring at me waiting for a response "I'll be a freshmen this fall." His eyes lit up like I just told him he had won the lottery as he smiled "Well, hopefully I'll see you around school." I couldn't help but smile "Hopefully I'll see you again before then." He smiled and said goodbye and took off out the door I couldn't help but smile and I looked down at the counter and realized he forgot one of his icees. I grabbed it and ran after him, I yelled after him right before he turned the corner "Hey! You forgot this!" He turned and smiled "Actually no, I didn't. It's for you. Just think of it as a Uhm, gift." His cheeks turned a rosy pink as he blushed and the way he looked at me I could tell I was blushing too. "Okay, but that means I owe you. So come back tomorrow!" He looked at the ground as if he was embarrassed and looked back at me but this time he looked into my eyes. "Okay, I'll come back. But I won't accept money. You have to pay me back by telling me about yourself and no negotiations!" And he turned and left before I could speak. I realized I didn't even know his name but I already like him, oh joy. Feelings are a roller coaster and this can't end well, but I couldn't help but to be happy. I quickly ran back to the store and impatiently waited to go home to go to bed early so tomorrow will come faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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