Chapter Six

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 -In Korea-
After getting off the 10 hour plane ride, Emma was now in Korea, and as excited as ever. Despite being unable to sleep apart from a nap or two, Emma was filled with excitement by the idea of finally seeing YooChun in person for the first time. All giddy, Emma quickly rushes off her to hotel, checks in and heads straight to the JYJ fan signing event conveniently nearby.

Even though it was freezing cold and was slightly snowing, Emma was amazed by both the weather (since Australia doesn't snow) and the amount of JYJ fans waiting for their CD's or posters to be signed. Emma has been waiting in line for 2 hours until she was able to finally by the bottom of the stairs of the platform stage to see her friends Jaejoong and Junsu, and her love of her life- YooChun.

Of course YooChun was not aware of her visit, but his group members- Junsu and Jaejoong were fully aware, and if anything, they helped her make her visit happen by telling her YooChuns schedules.

Walking up the stairs, Emma was a nervous wreck, even watching from afar, Emma was still a nervous wreck. Slowly, she walks to Junsu.

"Annyeong!" Junsu says happily to only look up and instantly recognize Emma based off the photos he has seen from YooChun, quietly nudging Jaejoong to make him aware, they both smiled happily at her whilst YooChun was distracted by a fan girl. Emma winks at them, smiling happily in return. Both Junsu and Jaejoong realize that Emma too was coincidentally wearing the same beanie and scarf that YooChun was wearing that day, the ones that gift was personally hand crafted and sent to YooChun as a gift by Emma, only making them smile with pride that their YooChun has found such a lovely girl. Both quietly and discreetly signing Emma's CD, also having a little bit of small talk pretending she was an average fan, Emma finally stands in front of YooChun, with nothing but a table between them.

It was finally YooChuns turn to sign Emma's CD, whist he watched the other fan say goodbye and leave, he turned and looked up to see his next fan. She was smiling at him until he asked for her name "Iruemi?", Her smile faltered, 'did he not recognise me?' she thought "Emma, Emma imnida?" Emma introduced herself. YooChuns eyes momentarily teared up from looking at the most beautiful girl in the world smiling back at him. She had long black hair, a small milky pale face, beautiful red lips, large brown eyes, small button nose, those rosy cheeks and small body he has grown to love were all in front of him. His heart swelled up from the very sight in front of him, standing up, he quickly walked around the table and grabbed her, hugging her so tightly that it could hurt, but Emma didn't mind, wrapping her arms around him, she embraced him in return. Both of them, forgetting about everything else around them, embraced each other like no tomorrow. "Mian" YooChun started "I thought I was seeing things... I had to make sure it was really you" he justified
"Gweanchanha Oppa" Emma replied, hugging him tightly back.
Junsu and Jaejoong was watching very closely, even tearing up from such a beautiful sight. Other fans however were starting to complain about waiting too long and how YooChun was hugging that 'fan' for too long eventually leading YooChuns manager and a few security guards to pull them apart. YooChun initially opposed them breaking them apart, and got even madder when he witnessed the security guards roughly pulling Emma away. Immediately all three of JYJ members jumped into action and demanded that the security guard stop, and having YooChun pulling Emma back in his arms protectively. This created quite a stir in the fans, slightly causing a racket. Speedily, Jaejoong and Junsu started to calm down the fans and asked YooChun to finish up and see Emma afterwards, even though they wish YooChun could just walk away with Emma and have some fun, they knew better. Some fans would go as far as killing Emma if that was to happen.

YooChun left was Emma behind with his manager while he went to finish off his fan signing event enthusiastically. After the fan signing event, YooChun speedily ran up to Emma and grabbed her pulling her away and into his car.

Quietly, they both sat there, in the darkness without looking or saying anything to each other. Until Emma spoke
"Surprise!" she said, awkwardly
"...Why are you here?" YooChun asked
"Why are you here?"
"I-I-is is a bad thing that I came here then? Because if it is... Then I'll leave now, I'm sorry!" Emma replied quickly, getting her emotions mixed between fear and sadness. Quickly she opened the door, ready to step out but YooChun grabbed her hand.
"Kajima!" YooChun exclaimed
"Kajima!" said YooChun again, pulling Emma back down into her seat. YooChun swiftly closed her door from his seat, whilst Emma sat there, surprised. Getting a whiff of his cologne, staring at his face so closely to hers, Emma couldn't help but feel butterflies rapidly flutter in her stomach. He was so much more handsome in person, she thought. Returning to his seat, YooChun stared into Emma's large brown eyes, slowly he cupped her face, caressing her soft cheeks, licking his lips, suppressing his urge to just kiss her. Emma too licked her lips, making it seem like it was the most erotic thing YooChun has ever seen before.
*ahem* YooChun said clearing his throat "Mian, I-I'm just surprised that you're really here.... Still, I'm glad you're here"
"Oh..." Emma replied, breathlessly, "That's a relief" she said
"So how long have you been here?" YooChun asked "Are you hungry?"
"I just came here, like 4 hours ago, and yes I'm hungry. Let's go eat!"
"EH?! 4 hours ago?!"
"Aren't you tired?!"
"..Mm a little bit" Emma replied, laughing a little "but I wanted to see you" she said, blushing. YooChun smiled, unable to help it, he smiled brightly
"Kyeopta!" he said, making Emma blush harder. YooChun laughed a little, and started his car "Where would you like to eat?" he asked
"SAMGYUPSAL!" Emma quickly replied, along with her stomach rumbling
Chuckling, YooChun started to drive off into the city "Samgyupsal it is! KAJA!" he cheerfully replied
"Whoo KAJA!" Emma cheered, clapping her hands cutely.

For the rest of the night, Emma and YooChun did nothing but eat and talk, getting even closer than before. Whilst walking through the streets of Seoul, YooChun couldn't help but constantly watch out for sasaeng fans, worrying that something would happen to Emma. However the night turned out to be great fun for both people. Emma ate a delicious dinner with YooChun and was now about to fall asleep in his car. YooChun drove her back to her hotel and dropped her off by her hotel room door. They made plans to see each other next thing in the morning, hugged goodbye, and Emma left to go inside right after she quickly tippy toed and gave YooChun a peck on the cheeks. Smiling like a dope, YooChun took his time walking back to his car. 

Wrong Number - A Park Yoochun (JYJ) FanFic [+COMPLETED+]Where stories live. Discover now