Chapter Ten

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*The next morning*

Jung Minho was knocking loudly on the front door of the house waking Emma up. Quickly she opens the door for him and he rushes inside "Wahhhh it's so cold!" He exclaims earning a death glare from Emma for waking her up
"What brings you here Minho? How did you find out about this place?"
"Oh? Oh, YooChun hyung gave me the address and told me to keep you company and take you to the airport" he replied cheerfully sitting down on the couch, turning on the TV
"Oh really?"Emma asked, smiling happily because of YooChuns thoughtfulness.

YooHwan was happily talking to his hyung when YooChun suddenly said "I'm going to marry her" surprising YooHwan
"B-Bwoh!?" YooHwan replied, surprised
"I said I'm going to propose to her and marry Emma" YooChun answers calmly "I really love her YooHwan, I really do" he said while walking through the doors of the company building when suddenly YooChuns belongings were stripped from him. The company finally had him after he was missing for a week. YooHwan was apologetic for leading YooChun into his companies trap, as YooHwan too, was unaware. The company lied to the brothers, making them both believe that the fans have started to cause a riot big enough to harm the employees of the company. YooChun was furious. Not at his younger brother but at the company. He didn't have long until Emma had to leave. He had to make her his.


Emma kept looking at her phone, hoping he would call. Always looking up and around, she would try and spot her boyfriend but he was nowhere to be found. Minho stood besides her, watching her with saddened eyes, he had a bad feeling about this. YooChuns fans swarmed the airport, verbally abusing her and throwing eggs and water balloons at her while the security tried to hold them back. Minho begged her to stop looking for him and to board the plane as it was her last chance to do so before it leaves her behind. She was the last one left to board after all. This however didn't stop her from trying to find YooChun. She even considered staying behind in Korea for her boyfriend but she knew she has to return to her family. Slowly, she gave up. A little bit inside of her died as she let Minho pull her to the boarding area. With each step, a little more of her died inside. Finally passing, she sadly said goodbye to Minho, looking for one last time at the crowd in hopes of finding YooChun. Yet, he was nowhere to be found.

YooChun was trapped, trapped in the room and couldn't escape. Time was approaching to Emma's flight time and he had to do something. He wanted to make her his, or to at least say goodbye. But with this current situation, he felt hopeless. Finally, he had enough. He abruptly stood up at the press conference about his disappearance and ran towards the doors. He fought his way through the security guards, tears in his eyes ready to burst out. He was desperate and finally with enough power, he broke through the guards and reporters and through the fans outside. Rushing to the car YooHwan was waiting in, they both rushed to the airport. Upon arriving, YooChun rushed out of the car before the car even stopped, he ran through the airport, desperately trying to get to Emma before she leaves. Clutching tightly onto the small black velvet box in his hands, he bolted through the building and finally saw a large crowd. He saw the signs "GET LOST", "YOU DONT BELONG HERE", "YOOCHUN IS MINE" etc, he knew this is where his future wife is. Approaching the crowd, he noticed how they were dispersing, fear ran through him, "EMMA!" he yelled, running towards the boarding area. His fans turned and screamed, running up to him, trying to gain his attention. He just ignored them and pushed them away now getting to the window to as he knew that the Emma has boarded and was currently about to take off. He was speechless, as he rushed to the window, watching the very plane his future wife was on, take her away, half way across the world. Tears falling down his face, he watched the plane lift off the ground and soon disappear. Outraged, as soon as the plane was out of sight, he started smashing against the window with his fist, knocking the black velvet box out of his hands.

Little did he know, as soon as Emma boarded the plane, she regretted ever walking through those gates. Quickly she dashed off of the plane before it could take her away. With her small carryon bag left, she solemnly walked back to the gates where she just came from. She couldn't believe that she just left her family behind just like that. Mentally beating herself up, she walked through the gates and heard fans yelling, grimacing, and thinking that they were yelling at her. She looked up and noticed how they weren't paying attend to her but something else- someone else. Looking towards that direction she saw YooChun. Her heart swelled up, 'He did come for me after all' she thought, now completely not regretting her rash decisions, she ran up to him until she saw something black slip out of his hands, dropping right by her feet. YooChun turned around as he watched the black box leave the grasps of his hands and landed by someone's feet. Just as he was about to jump out and grab it before anyone else does, he noticed a small hand grab it. Looking up at who touched his precious box, his eyes widened in shock as he watched the person open the box. Surprised, Emma looked at the contents of the box to find a beautiful ring. It was a very simple ring. A silver band with small diamonds embedded into it. Speechless, Emma finally looked up into the eyes she fell in love with a long time ago. He was on his knees, mirroring Emma's shocked expression. Quickly, YooChun ran up to Emma and kissed her with so much passion. Crying, wrapping her arms around his neck, Emma kissed him back with just as much passion, until they both couldn't breathe anymore. Foreheads touching, they stared into each other's eyes, breathing hard, both of their faces wet from their tears. Whispering YooChun said "Stay here with me"
"Huh?" Emma oh so intelligently replied,
YooChun got down on one knee "Marry me. Be my wife. Be the mother of my children, I want you, I need you. Stay by my side Emma. I love you!" he said loudly enough for some fans to here. Initially shocked, Emma looked at him with wide eyes as he grabbed the box from her hands and took the ring out of her hands "Emma... Marry me" he said one last time.

Emma started to cry even more, nodding so fast her head would come off "YES!" She said jumping into his arms, hugging him, once again kissing him with all of her love. Finishing the kiss, YooChun put the ring on her finger, hugging her once again tightly then shouting out "SHE SAID YES!" To no one in particular. Happily he picks her up and spins her around. However fans watched this with rage. This drove them crazy, making them break through the security, attacking both YooChun and Emma, YooChun immediately put her down and covered her body as much as he possibly could with his own body, shielding her from harm. Upon hearing her now fiancé grunt from the pain, she struggles to set herself free from her fiancés iron grip to help protect him in return. Eventually seeing a brick heading towards YooChuns head, she uses all of her might to break out of YooChuns hold, twisting his body so she in return would protect him from any harm. In slow motion, YooChun watched as Emma smiled lovingly at him, tears streaming down her face and a brick headed in her direction. Sticking his arm out to stop the arm with the brick, he gripped the wrist tightly, however the brick dropped from the hand and fell onto Emma's head, soon he saw a little trickle of blood stream down her face as the brick heavily dropped on her head and fell on the floor.

More tears ran down his face as he watched Emma fall into his arms. Quickly picking her up, he took a look at the person responsible for harming his fiancée- his future wife. Outraged, he held Emma tightly in his arms and yelled "WHY!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HER?! TO ME?! TO US?! SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU GUYS, AND YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER!" Taking a deep breath, he looked at his shocked fans staring at him "You ungrateful fans, SHE SAVED MY LIFE. Without her, I would've died 2 years ago, but because of her I am still standing here today" YooChun explained "And this is how you repay her?" He asked now sobbing, rubbing Emma's face softly "I love her, so please stop this!" He asked now begging on his knees. Cameras were everywhere, the reporters and paparazzi were now everywhere, security pulled the fans away and YooChuns manager, CEO, family, and group members were now all by his side. They tried to pull him away, away from the flashing cameras, making him let go of Emma but he wouldn't let go. He was never letting go of her, ever again.

Protesting, everyone else had no choice but to stop the cameras instead as they waited for an ambulance to come. "Oppa..." Emma said quietly making YooChuns eyes snap up to look at her very own "I love you too" she said smiling, wiping his tears away. "Gweanchanhaseo, jinja.. I'm fine Oppa" Emma said, getting down from YooChuns arms "I guess I just passed out a little.. From all of the stress... But I heard what you said to your fans... Kamsamnida Oppa, for fighting for me, for staying by my side" she said, slowly getting up on her toes and giving him a kiss on the cheeks. YooChun just held her tightly in a hug.

"Just stay by my side forever" he said hugging her tightly.

Wrong Number - A Park Yoochun (JYJ) FanFic [+COMPLETED+]Where stories live. Discover now