Chapter 9

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Hey guys!!! I have chosen someone to be Harry's girlfriend yay!!! And I'm getting very excited about the Where We Are tour!!! Sorry this chapter isn't very long but I wanted to leave you on a cliff-hanger...

I might update it again tonight though, it depends on whether you're lucky or not ;)

Please comment or message me what you think of it (or tweet me if you want I don't really care) because I love hearing feedback on it!!! If you've got any ideas of what could happen then please let me know!!! Thanks guys :)

Lucy xx

"What slide should we go on first?" I asked Niall.

"The biggest one!" Niall replied instantly. "It's called Black Hole! I think it's that one over there!"

I my eyes darted to where he was pointing. A long, black slide twisted and curved in all directions, plummeting towards the ground. You went down it in a little blow-up boat, and it was obvious that you were in practical darkness most of the way down. And it was at least 20 metres tall.

"Are you sure we should go on that one first. It's really high, and I'm not sure it's such a good idea with this being Zayn's first time swimming-" I argued.

"(Y/n), stop worrying about me! I'll be fine, okay?" Zayn interrupted my list of excuses for not going on the slide.

"Okay," I sighed. "If you're sure."

"I'm sure," Zayn sighed, mimicking my  tone.

I glared at him, before coldly saying, "Come on then!" 

The boys, Tally and I raced up the steps to the top of the slide. 

"Yay! There's barely any queue! We'll all have gone down in a couple of minutes." Tally smiled.

"Okay then, who's going with who? You can have up to three people go on at a time." Said Liam, getting us organised.

"I'll go with (y/n)," said Zayn, then he laughed. "I'll need her to stop me from being nervous!"

"Oo-oh, I wanted to go with (y/n)!" Moaned Niall.

"It's okay! You can both come with me!" I giggled. I was turning into mummy-direction!

"I'll go with Tally!" Smiled Louis.

"Looks like you're stuck with me, daddy!" Said Harry turning to Liam.

"That's fine with me!" Said Liam.

"Ooh! Can we go first, Louis. Pretty please?" Begged Tally, pulling her best puppy-face.

"You know I can't say no to you, my Carrot Queen!" Laughed Louis. He put his arm around her shoulders before walking towards the slide and sitting in the yellow, blow-up boat. 

"Three... Two... One... Go!" We all yelled, as a lifeguard pushed them into the black tunnel. We all covered our ears as we heard Tally's high-pitched screams.

"Who's going next?" Asked Harry.

"You two can!" I smiled.

"Okay! Let's go!" He cried, dashing over to the blow-up boat and clambering in. He patted a space behind him. "Come on daddy!" He said, sweetly.

Liam laughed as he walked over and climbed in. The lifeguard pushed them into the dark tube and Niall, Zayn and I were alone.

I turned to them. "You ready for this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah!" Squealed Niall excitably. 

"You bet!" Said Zayn. 

We hurriedly clambered into the blow-up boat. I sat at the front, with Niall behind me, and Zayn behind him.

"(Y/n)," Niall whined.

"What?" I said sharply.

"Hold my hand?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I reached my hand back, and he clutched onto it.

"(Y/n)..." Said Zayn, mimicking exactly how Niall had said it a minute ago.

"Okay, I'll hold your hand too!" I raised my eyebrows feeling a little exasperated. 

The lifeguard pushed us into the slide and we were soon in complete darkness, twisting and turning in every direction! There were multicoloured lights that flashed and danced all over the sides of the slide, in all the colours of the rainbow, slightly illuminating the darkness, so that we had some idea of which way we were going.

Zayn, Niall and I screamed all the way down. Well, I say screamed; but the sound Niall was making was probably closer to a roar. Zayn screamed though, a proper girly scream; it was actually very fuuny! Eventually, the darkness began to fade into a half-light, so we knew we were near the end.

Suddenly, there was a huge drop, which must have been about three metres. As we fell, I felt Zayn's grip on my right hand tighten. At the bottom of the drop, we plunged straight into the warm water, and I felt something pop in my right shoulder. I tried to swim back up to the surface of the pool, but I couldn't. My shoulder was beginning to really hurt. I carefully turned my head to look at it, and instantly wished I hadn't. It was at a strange angle, and didn't look like it was in the right place. I felt pretty sure that I had dislocated it.

I needed to get out. I couldn't move my right arm, and my left arm was starting to ache from me trying to drag my body through the water. I swallowed some water, and the foul taste of chlorine entered my mouth, making me choke and swallow more. I panicked, thrashing around in the water, wishing someone would help me. I felt like I was suffocating, like my lungs were about to collapse. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go much longer without oxygen.

Then, a sense of calm came over me. I wasn't entirely sure what was happening, but I felt like I was floating, I felt peaceful. I slowly closed my eyes wanting to savour the sweet sense of security that I had found, when suddenly, I felt something smash into my side. Before I could tell what it was, however, I felt myself slipping, before I plummeted into a world of darkness.

*Ooh cliff-hanger!!! I'll leave you there guys and sorry again for this update being really short!!! But be prepared for a big revelation in the next chapter - yeah very exciting ;)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and follow me!!! Thank you :)*

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