Thank you?

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So, let me get this straight:

You tear my veil to free me

You jail me to rid me of my terror

You kill my beloved to liberate me

You shoot my baby to erase my misery

You starve me to show me how to vote

You threaten me to bring me to my senses

You wage war on me to help me find peace

You slay my people to teach me compassion

You humiliate me to aid me live with

You insult me to illustrate freedom of

You crush my bones to save me from my evil

You demolish my home to elevate my morality

You torture my children to teach me how to

You uproot my tree to raise my ethical

You steal my resources to bring me social

You assassinate my leaders to bring me democracy

You destroy my history to educate me about

You dehumanise me to coach me into humanity

You bomb my town to train me into security

You wipe me out to push me to civilisation

You scorn my faith to bring me salvation

Thank you sir

How can I -ever- pay you back?

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