The news spread like wildfire. Everyone knew what happened yesterday, including the OMGs! They wouldn't stop talking about it. They were all like "So you did date him? For how long? Girl you sly!" Yeah, I did date him, it only lasted a couple days, and no I ain't, your girl got caught. I didn't show them my emotions.I couldn't. Prince and I, we never talked, never crossed paths. Guess it was good too; the band changed his life. I still thought about him, you know? Thought about the kiss and not telling him it was my first. Life's cray cray. I still remember how he held my hand and squeezed it and reassured what we had. I guess that's over now. The feelings, the reasons, gone with the wind. And even though it was just yesterday, it felt distant. I guess I could always go to my dad for comfort, I always did. But now, what's the use? He ended it all.
As I heard Prince come downstairs, I stood up and went elsewhere to prevent seeing him. Of course in reality, that never works. His eyes were still glimmering but they seemed hurt. I only stared at him for a little until I went past him. I heard him sigh a little. Ray came downstairs and he had a smug smile on his face. The little rat! How could he? Why would he? He's never shown any interest in me, he never flirted with me in a serious manner, so why would he?
What did I do for him to do something like that?
When I went into my room, I logged on to 'Skype' immediately. Luckily for me, mom was online. I video chatted her.
(script form)
Me: Mom, member when you said I can tell you anything?
She nodded with a smile.
Me: Well, I've had my first kiss, from my first boyfriend
Mom: Honey am so proud of you! Where is he? I wanna see him!
Me: You can't... We're not together anymore
Mom: Did he use you? GiGi if he used tell me now so I can do something about it!
Me: No mom, he...
Mom: Don't you dare defend him! And what's Walter doing about this? Why didn't he tell me?
Me: It involves dad mom.
At that point she had shut up and listened. I told her about the threat of him leaving the band if we stay together, I told her how I felt about the kiss, I told her about my dad and how mad and disappointed he was. All she did was cry. It's nice to have someone cry for you. She told me she'll speak with dad. I hope she gets through to him.
MB had to go back to the studio cause something popped up. Before that, mom was talking to dad about Prince and I. "Look, that is my artist, she is my daughter, if something happens it will effect my career... Of course I care about her... He used to be a player... no he won't change, they never do... We doing this Mea?... I'm sorry but I won't allow it... Well then she should've been wiser in her choices and known better not to mix business with pleasure... I don't care how old she is. My parents only allowed me to date when I reached 21 and I came out of it just fine. I don't see why it should effect her and why is she dating at this age?... We should give her a certain time and it isn't now... Now, we gotta wrap this up, I'm gonna be late Mea... Bye!"
Hearing all that I lost control of my tears. I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door so hard that it sounded like an explosion. My dad heard it, I knew he did, but he just couldn't face me and explain to me what I heard. I stayed in my room the whole time, I didn't eat, I didn't talk to no one.
It was just me.

That Predicted Love Story (Princeton Fanfic)
FanfictionGianna is Walter's daughter, Princeton is getting managed by Walter.The two fall for each other, but since Prince has been a lifetime player, Walter forbids him from playing with his only blood. They try and prove to everyone, especially Walter that...