School Lunch

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so school lunch isn't always the best food. well my school sometimes has good food. why is it that the food we get comes on a truck?? I don't understand, and the bad part is that almost everybody who has to get their lunch it's $2.75-$3. why would we want to pay that when we can go to taco bell and get 5 burritos for almost the same price??? this is overrated and stupid. also why is the line so long to get the food then you gotta wait some more to pay? don't you just hate the people who like to get their food then get bout 50,000,000 things of snacks knowing that they not gone eat all of it? and the fantastic part of after waiting in that line and finally able to go sit down, is only having 5-10 minutes to eat.
hi everyone I'm back from the dead. jk jk. but seriously sorry for the wait on an update. comment what you hate about school lunch and how much do you have to pay. also if you have any ideas for me to rant about comment those as well.
Swag Money out.

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