Chapter 1

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It's Friday. The last day until the weekend and I was so thankful! My mother  stormed in my room. "Girl wake up", she said while throwing the cover off of me. She opened up  my blinds all the way up and let in the blinding light of the sun. I promise you I wanted to slap her. "O.M.G!  Ma!? Can you chill?" I pulled the pillow  over my head and turned over on my stomach. "I was out all night yesterday working . And since when did you start caring  about my education?" "Since now! Now get your little fast behind up or get dragged to school!" And with that she walked out of my room and down stairs to tend to my little brother, Amari. I sat up in bed, checked my cell phone,and saw a message from India
Indy:You picking me up for school today right? 
Me : don't I always? 
Indy :alright get here soon. I am too fly .. Like bees on honey right now and I gotta make it do what it do! ;)
Me: girl you're crazy. I'm getting dressed right now
Indy: Aight 
I  got up , got in the shower, and tried to  decide on what to wear. Now me, i was repping for the  thick girls. I had a small waist with size 14 hips and a killer smile. Two grape sized dimples that put Reginae carter's to sleep and tiny hazel eyes. A lot of people said I resembled my mom but I hated that. I decided that I  could go with this 2 piece skirt and top set, but then I quickly changed my mind and reached for my  high waisted washed cut up denim jeans and cute sweater crop top that said "gorgeous" and my black timbs. I was about to put the outfit on and rock it like nobody's business but something told  me to go a little more formal and I never reject an inkling because mine are usually right. I finally decided on a cute peach dress with a peach bow in the back. I slipped my feet into my Louboutin red bottom black stilettos and put  my juicy couture charm bracelet on one arm, my Rolex watch sported on the other . Both were bought by my father before he went crack crazy. I  then slipped my Tiffany and co. necklace on which was in the shape of a sterling silver heart and headed downstairs. As I made my way into the kitchen I saw my dad sitting at the dining room table and my mom cooking as if we were a happy family. Please.  "Hey baby", said my dad as he tried to plant a kiss on my forehead. I  swerved to the left so that he just missed me. Although I could see that he was hurt by the gesture of rejection, he acted as if nothing had happened and sat down at the kitchen table. I furrowed my eyebrows because missing from the table was my brother Amari and my younger sister , who swore she was older, Anastasia. In the bathroom maybe? I shrugged my shoulders.  I stared at my father for a long time.Surprisingly he looked sober and mid-way decent. His clothes were actually clean and he smelled of Irish spring . A sure sign that he bathed today . "I'm going out for an interview today" ,said  my father as my  mom set a plate in front of me. I  looked down  at the plate and quickly my appetite vanished. I'm talking disappeared into outer space somewhere. The eggs were  burnt, the bacon was undercooked and the toast had discreet bits of mold that looked as if they had been larger parts of mold but were scraped off. "Yea uhhh", I  said as I  pushed the plate away. "Thanks but no thanks" 
"Well , suit yourself" my mom put the plate in the fridge. Why she did that? I don't even  know because no ones gonna eat it. Although my father appeared to be sober, my mother, not so much. She looked terrible, disgusting, and she reeked and the longer I stared at her, the more irate I became.  "I'm going to school." I got up from the table and went towards the stairs.  Amari!" I  yelled my brother's name. I turned to my mother who looked clearly  off in space somewhere. Her eyes lit up as if she remembered something that she'd forgot and then she blurted out  "Oh , he's not here." "What do you mean he's not here?! Where the hell did he go?" Okay now I went into panic mode. "Freddy took him to school. Stasia walked.", my mother said  nonchalantly. "CRACKHEAD FREDDY? The one who suffers from schizophrenia and who knows what the hell else?" He doesn't even have a car! " When I say my heart dropped to the floor I mean it landed within .5 seconds on the carpet and if looks could kill my mother would have been buried like yesterday . "About that..." My mother looked out the window. She gazed  at the people walking by and just like that I knew there was more to this story that I would not like. "I let him take your car." She scratched the side of her neck.  I flew into the kitchen so damn quick after she said that I swear i should've been in the Guinness World Records. "You did what?!? Other than the fact that you're high all the time. You realize you just put your son's life in jeopardy!" My eyes were shooting bullets  right at her. 
I rubbed my temples. This is too much for one damn morning.  As soon as I was  about to go rip my mom a new one, Freddy came  through the door , talking to himself with Amari not far behind. "Oh thank god you're safe! Come here baby." I kissed him on the cheeks and he pushed me away. "Ahhhh quit smothering me will ya? I need my gear to stay fresh for my hunnies" I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. As if he had some.  My mom came bursting into the  living room like a mad woman. "He's not your baby!, He ain't come out of you!" She came up so close to me it was a wonder her breath didn't burn my eyebrows off. I scrunched up my nose. "Mines well have!", I yelled. "I swear I'm getting my own place and taking Mari and Stasia with me !" I stepped back and Amari stepped back with me.
"You ain't taking my kids nowhere! They're mine! I pay the bills around here!" I did all I could not to yell to the top of my lungs. I didn't know whether to laugh in her face or scream. I swear this lady had amnesia or something because I don't remember her having a job. "Where mama?" I looked around clearly not seeing the money that she so called had to pay the bills. "Come on .. tell me! I wanna know where this money is.  Oh . You mean the money that you collect from welfare right? The WIC card and all that, that you're suppose to use on us but wind up selling people the money on the card and using that money to go shoot up? Ohhhhhh I gotcha." I shook my head in disbelief. "You wanna play mother? Well you  sure as hell don't act like it! I buy their clothes! I get them up and get Mari dressed for school!  When Mari was 1 he called me mommy! NOT you, and when Stasia wanted that IPhone I bought it for her and I pay her bill. You two can't even put food on the goddamn table. You realize there are single parents out there who do more for their kids but you guys are together and don't  do a damn thing!" I snarled at both of them. "You guys make me sick."  My dad, who had been sitting there quietly , stood up and slapped me in the face. I kid you not, I was seeing stars. I had to hold on to the banister from  fear of falling over. "You hush up now girl, before I beat you like you stole something". Amari ran over to me and hugged me. Tears clung to his eyes. I backed up holding  my cheek and crying. "I'm okay Mari" "You ungrateful kids thinking you can talk to us any  damn way. You're too damn grown!", my  father went on . I squinted my eyes and clenched my teeth.  "You think I chose to to grow up so fast? Really?" , I  questioned, nostrils flaring. I couldn't believe this. "To take care of Mari and Stasia because you guys are so high off cocaine and God knows what else? You think this is my idea of a perfect life? When can I start being a teenager? Huh? " "Nah", I shook my  head. I  pointed  at both of my parents. "You and you ... Chose this life for me.  If I'm 'too grown' it's because you too forced me to be this way.
I swear we're moving out of here soon, just wait! Amari come on" "You're not taking him anywhere!!", my mother yelled at the top of her lungs. I got real close to her with an inch between us. "Watch me."  And with that I  stormed out of the kitchen with Amari right behind  me , plucked MY keys out of Freddy's hands ,and left. "Don't touch my car ever again!", I  yelled behind me.
Making my way to India's house,  I thought  about everything that just happened. I looked at my face and saw a black and blue mark forming on the side . Damn.  I looked in my mirror and saw Amari asleep in the back.  God I loved that little boy with all my heart even though he was 4 going on 24. He was the spitting image of me, well my mother because I looked just like her as many people had said. I hated that. He had tiny little hazel eyes and deep dimples. His skin was the color of caramel and he had a head full of curly light brown hair. He was gonna be a killer when he got older and that's exactly what I feared. Imma have to be on him like white on rice. I turned my attention back to the road. Looking back on what had just happened I felt bad about what I had said to my parents but they frustrated the hell out of me. Sometimes I  just  wish I could just take a bat and hit the drug  addiction out of both of them.  So they would be great parents . Loving , caring , and most of all just supportive and, well just  there like they used to be. I would never have to do the type of profession I do. I was tired of being the parent ,even though I loved my siblings so much,and not being able to just be a kid. I finally  arrived at India's house  and I laid on the horn. "Come on Bollywood! We gotta go!" "Girl I'm coming ! I'm coming damn!" India walked out of the house sporting a 2 piece gray and black  jogger suit. Leather on the sleeves and the pockets of the pants . On her feet were crisp black and grey jordan retro's. Around her neck she sported a juicy 24 k necklace and a juicy bracelet on her arm. Her hair was laid to the T . "T" as in "too fly for words". India was about 4'10 , the shortest girl in our clique. She was shaped just like an "S". Big boobs, a huge butt, and a tiny waist. Her hair was all hers and she'd yell at anyone who tried to say otherwise. She was mixed with Black and Brazilian. India hopped in the car and looked in her mirror. "Girl when I tell you my momma was tripping. This chick grabbed me out of my bed because I missed one dish last night. One.. Damn... Dish . I had to let her know 'mom I am 17 ! You can't keep hitting me upside my head like that! Imma have seizures by like 20. And I'm putting it on your insurance not mine . I swear-'" India stopped talking and looked over at me "What's wrong?", India asked. And what the hell happened to you face?" I wiped my eyes and did my best to straighten my face. "What do you mean? Girl please.. I am fine I just fell and-  "  India gave me an "I'm not stupid look" and instantly I hated that she knew me so well. "Oh the floor did that to your face? Well call Mayweather because I think he has a worthy opponent. Now girl don't play with me ! We've been Bestfriends since 8th grade. That whole act may work on those people at school but not I miss thang." She popped a bubble from her gum."" I know when something's wrong so spill. I'm all ears" I rolled my eyes. " Look I said I fell alight? It's nothing! My parents and I just got into an argument before school. They got me the wrong designer handbag and I have to take Amari to school. On my way down the stairs I fell." India rolled her eyes "Rich people problems. Anyway let's go. I'm too fly to just be wasting all this sitting here. I'm tryna scoop me a BowWow or Chris brown even a little August Alsina or something like that " I looked at India like she had grown two heads . "At our school? India please. Ain't nothing as fine as August up in there". I started the car up and took Amari to school. After signing him in i headed over to my school. I tried to park in my usual parking spot , which was assigned to me  in the beginning of the school year when i paid the student parking fare, but  someone's car was parked there. Who. The hell. Took my parking spot?! I  peered through slit eyes at the car. "Everyone up and through here knows this is mine and mine only.",I said to India. India shrugged her shoulders."Must be new." Oh I was pissed . I put my car in park,  not really caring that i was  blocking other students from getting by.  I pulled out my concealer and did my makeup because God knows I didn't want anyone seeing my face like this . I got out of my car and all the people behind me  blared on their horns and I flipped them the bird. I walked up to the car and knocked on the window. "Uhm hello?! ..Hellloooooooo?" The guy rolled  his window down. "Oh uhh hi. My name is-" I  put my hand up. "Yea whatever listen you're in my spot. Think you could move?" I  examined the guy. Caramel skin, shiny white teeth that could blind you if you stared too hard. The cutest fangs on either side of his mouth. His eyes were like chocolate brown pools I would love to swim in and those  muscles beckoning me to touch through his shirt were more than enough to make me pass out, but i kept my cool. Damn he's fine. I feel bad telling him to move but hell, I paid for this spot! I can't let one person slip because then everyone's gonna think they can slip. I snapped out of my train of thought. "Well?, I said when he just sat there. "Oh uhhh yea", said the guy "No problem." I turned  back to get in my car to park. "Thanks sweety". The guy rolled his eyes to the sky ." 1. I'm not your 'sweety'. My name is Chresanto. 2.You got a real bad attitude , which takes away from how gorgeous you are.  It makes you look ugly. Not out here", he said pointing to her whole face and body. "But right there", he said pointing to her heart. "It's like dressing up a piece of .. Mierda. Check yourself ma, you're not all that." Chresanto  got in his car and pulled off leaving me  standing there with my mouth hanging wiiide open. Did he just read me? I  wasn't sure if i should be flattered that he called  me gorgeous or mad as hell that he compared me  to a piece of poop. I got in my car and pulled into my parking spot.  India looked at me  wildly , clearly watching the whole incident go down. "Did he just read you?, she asked with wide eyes.  And you ain't say nothing? Oh no boo we don't do that. He wanna be bout it bout it I got something for that ass.. Where's my bee bee gun?"  I looked at her crazy. "Beebee gun?" I didn't even dignify that with a response, instead I just sat there. No guy had ever talked to me like that. It kind of turned me on but infuriated me at the same time. "Who was that?", I  asked.  India shrugged. "New kid like I said before . But girl he was fiiiine! I'm talking Lil Fizz , Trey Songz fine! Mmmm. I'm talking Tank with a little Chris brown in his system fine. Not really my type though. I like guys with braids, and gauges ,and Mocha skin. Yes." India went on thinking out loud to herself "Who's weird and very loud and funny. Someone unique and artsy." I shook my head. That had been her dream guy since the 8th grade. "Ain't no guys around here like that. All wanna be ball players, rappers and thugs." India looked dreamy -eyed at the sky "I know I know", she said. "But a girl can dream , can't she?" I looked at India and  laughed at my crazy Bestfriend. "Well you keep dreaming , I'm going inside." I  walked into school and automatically all eyes were on me. Oh yes , I was the ish . Girls stared at me with jealousy. Guys stared at me  , lustfully as if they could bang me right then and right there. India shook her head "I still don't know how you do that." I waved at a few guys and smiled. "It's a gift." All the guys started hollering from across the room. Some not caring that their girl was in ear shot range. "Ayo! When you gone let me take you out?", yelled one guy. "Damn girl ! I could use some TLC from what you got working there ", yelled another. His girlfriend came over and slapped him in the head. "Ow damn baby I was just playing." Yea right. All the guys started to crowd around  India and I when one guy stepped forward, my ex, Trey. Emphasis on the ex. Trey was captain of the football and basketball teams . He was  actually so good at basketball that he was being looked at by scouts in the NBA. "Hey boo.", said Trey while kissing my cheek. Ugh. I promised you I wanted to gut him.  "Oh that's you son?", questioned one of the guys from the crowd. "And you know this" , Trey said giving the guy dap. I rolled my eyes to the ceiling,being as though I hadn't been his girl since last year , and pushed him off of me  "You are sooo not my boo anymore." Trey looked over at me and I hated that he was still so fine. 6'5, waves on swim and deep chocolate skin with the cutest raisin dimples and almond shaped light brown eyes. His muscles were something serious and I hated that I stared for too many seconds too long. "You know I still got a thang for ya shawty". I rolled my eyes again. "Yea , you and every other guy in this school. I'm not beat for it"  I flicked my  wrist to let him know I was bored and tired with this conversation. Trey put his arm around my shoulder and walked me away from the crowd. The point was clearly not recieved through his thick skull. "What I'm saying is, I want you back, us back." I swear this nigga was dumb high. I looked at him  so crazy I'm surprised he didn't turn and walk away . "Now Trey ! Do you really think I would take you back after cheating on me not once, not twice, but three times? And not just with anyone but the very girl you know I hate. Chelsea Jackson." Chelsea, Jackie, and Stacey were my arch enemies. We were once all best friends . Until I started hanging with India and her friends and Chelsea ,Jackie , and Stacey turned on me. They've been enemies ever since.  "Are you high or just dumb? ", I asked. Trey's nostrils began to flare. "Be like that then bitch! You ain't even give up the goodies after 7 months.  Chelsea was way better anyway." He walked away before I could even air him out. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
After  that whole charade I  met back up with India in the main hallway. "Hey, is everything all good?", India asked when she saw me  coming her way. "Yea", I  shrugged. "Just Trey being Trey." I rolled  my eyes and  we made our way into the cafeteria where Neisha and Deja were sitting at our table. I got out the P.H.A.T handbook.  "Hey ya'll!", said Neisha with a southern drawl. "Ya'll are too fly" She snapped her fingers in a Z formation for emphasis. Neisha was the second smallest one out of all of them. Only standing 5'0, Neisha was thick. She was shaped like a pear. What she lacked up top she definitely made up for at the bottom or in the bottom I should say. She was half Asian and half black and you could tell through her small hazel-green eyes and her long jet black hair. She was captain of the basketball and lacrosse teams and her height had nothing on her fierce attitude. She would read you in a hot minute whether what she said hurt your feelings or not. Deja, who had been looking at her SAT books , looked up at the two. Deja was the smartest. With a 4.2 GPA and high PSAT scores, she had scholarships coming in left and right. She was always into her schoolwork and hadn't  missed one assignment since the 5th grade. She sported a half up half down hairstyle. She was quiet and shy when it came to other people. Her mom was East African and  Puerto Rican and her father was Irish and German. Weird combination I know but it explained where she got her grey ,blue eyes from.  "Oh okay! Ya'll killing it!", Deja said.  "And you know this", said India and I at the same time. We  looked at each other and laughed . "Now chicas", I said. "It's time for the pledge and our annual weekly meeting." We all  stood up and everyone put their right hand up and left hand on the book. We then recited the pledge:
"I pledge as a "pretty ,hot ,and thick" clique member to let these other chicks know that I'm the business in this school. To have every eye on me when I walk down the hall. To be a showstopper in and out of school. To let these guys know I am way past worth their time. I am pretty. I am hot . And I am thick. P.H.A.T on 3. 1...2.....3 "P.H.A.T they all snapped their fingers and dusted off their shoulders.  "Alright guys" I said as I  pulled out the gavel and banged it on the table. "This meeting is in session. Who wants to update first?" India raised her hand. "I will! So ya'll know how Javion has been pushing up on me right?" We  all nodded our heads ."Well", said India. He finally got the digits and he took me out to eat."
"Good good",  I said. India shook her head. "You would think it would be." India rolled  her eyes and her nostrils began  to flare. "This nigga had the nerve to take me to McDonald's!" We all looked at her sideways. "MCDONALDS?" , we all exclaimed. "Yes.. Mc to the Donald's. Like I'm some kind of 2 dollar whore prostitute or something. But that's not even the worst part." A tinge of anger crept up on me . I looked away and then looked back. "Not all prostitutes are 2 dollar whores India.. You don't have to be rude!", I snapped. The girls looked at me weird. "1. Lower your tone cause all that bass ain't even necessary", India snapped. "And 2 I never knew you were so concerned." "I-I'm not. It's just not right to call people names when you don't know their story" "Oookay?", said India. "Anyway this boy had the nerve to tell me 'girl you can get whatever you want off the dollar menu'"  "THE DOLLAR MENU?!?" "Girls yes , the damn dollar menu" India shook her head. "Awh hell nah", said Deja with disgust. "What did you do?" "Hmph" , said India. I told that bum nigga to take me home. I'm worth more than something off the dollar menu" Neisha shook her head. "Damn! He couldn't even afford the good stuff. Oh no sweety. We call that -" We  all put our hands over our  mouths. "A scrub", we all yelled simultaneously. "Exactly", said India in agreement. "And I don't want no scrub." I shook my  head . "India you always fall for the same guys." "What? Whatchu mean 'I always go for the same guys'?" 
"The broke ones who can't even afford a nice date.", said Neisha.  "The losers who look good at first but show their real side when it comes  to paying for things.", said Deja. India looked offended. "Oh. So ya'll just be talking about me huh? Oh.. Okay I got something for that ass." India pulled out her gloves and proceeded to put them on. I don't know what surprised me more. That India was actually gonna fight us or that she just randomly carried boxing gloves in her bag. I couldn't stop laughing. "India put those away" Neisha and Deja were in tears . "Oh. I'm a joke to ya'll? This is funny? Alright get up." India stood up with the gloves on and took a boxing stance . "Ya'll my girls and all but ya'll think I'm playing." She took a few practice jabs to the air .  We all ran up to India and hugged her . "Aww pooh.", I cooed at her. "You know we love you" I pouted my lips. "Whatever" India sat back down and put the gloves in her bag. I looked at everyone. "Alright who's next?", I said. Deja raised her hand. "Muahhh!", she said enthusiastically. "Okay so I went to the mall and guess who I ran into?"  "Who?", asked India. "Deavante" , Neisha said with a roll of her eyes. "You gone let me tell them?", Deja snapped. "My bad" "You're ex 'Deavante'?", India  asked. Deavante was the co-captain of both the football and basketball team. He was Trey's cousin and was very intelligent with a 3.98 GPA. He had dated Deja for 2 years but they broke up when she found out he had cheated. Guess it runs in the family. She had been so hurt that she cried for 2 weeks and wouldn't eat for days. Finally with the help of her girls, A.K.A us, she had been able to get over him.  "Yea that loser .. But guess who he was with?", asked Deja. "Who",I asked.  "Chelsea!", Deja said. I rolled my eyes. "Why does every guy waste their time  with her?", I asked. "They no she don't have no walls." Neisha put her hand over her mouth like a microphone. "NO WALLLS", she shouted . We all joined in. "NO WALLLLS!", we all yelled together.  I cleared my throat. "So what did you do?", I asked. "Well, I walked right up to this boy, right in front of Vante and Chelsea, and kissed him.", said Deja triumphantly. Everyone was shocked because Deja wasn't the type to walk up to any guy and just kiss him. "No you didn't", said Neisha with her mouth hanging open. "Girl yes I did", said Deja. "And it was good too. It didn't hurt that homeboy was Michael Carter Williams fine. "ill", said Neisha. "MCW ain't fine" I chuckled. "Says the girl who thinks Lil Wayne is sexy." Neisha  popped her lips  "YUP! Damn right he's sexy! And one day imma be Mrs. "Dwayne Carter". Y'all saw him making love eyes at me at the concert last year . Girl he want some Neisha." She snapped her fingers. India sucked her teeth. "Just trifling .. You know he's married already.". "Oh that?, Neisha said blinking her eyes. "That's just a fling.. See he knows I'm not old enough so he's waiting for me." I burst out into tears. We were all laughing so hard that everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us. "You're crazy", said Deja wiping her eyes.  We were still laughing about what was said when 4 guys walked in. India stopped laughing and her eyes went wide , causing everyone to stop and turn. "Ki! Yo that's the guy  you told to get out of your parking spot." I  squinted my  eyes. "Yea uh - uh what's his name?", I said snapping my  fingers. "Chresanto", said India rolling her eyes. "Yea that's it." "Oh. My . God. ",India squealed. "Does that boy have 2 braids, mocha skin, and gauges? Jesus.. It's happening!" India got down on her knees and folded her hands together. "Thank you thank you thank you", she said. "God I knew you were real. I told little peezy  head Willy in 8th grade you were going to send me my dream husband and it's happened! Oh lord! Oh looord. See my mama ain't believe me! He exists and I think she needs to start searching because she gone lose her mind when I tell her she owes me half of her income. Talking about I'd never find him." She then started speaking in tongues. " God ",said Deja holding her head down from embarrassment. "Girl! Get. your simple. ass .up off that floor!  Looking crazy !",whispered Neisha. She smiled at the guys. I  just rolled my  eyes because clearly she had lost her mind.  "India.", i started off . "Now you know rule number 1 in the handbook is-" India got  off the floor and cut me off. "I know I know", she snapped . "Never let a guy see you sweating him." Meanwhile the boys are scanning the cafeteria. "Man! This school is all that! Vending machines, self serve drink machine,the breakfast looks bomb and look.", said Rayan checking out the lunch menu. "They have Taco Bell! Ya boy could get used to this" Rayan was the oldest. He was skinny with 2 long braids and creamy  mocha skin. His deep piercing black eyes could hold your stare. He was really unique from what he wore down to his personality.  "Yea bro.", said Jacob in agreement. "This school is huge." Jacob was the second youngest. His Mexican-African American  heritage truly showed through his shiny black hair full of beautiful curls.His skin was the color of a smooth cappuccino. "I'm tryna find me a Mrs. Right", said Craig rubbing his hands together.  Craig  was the second oldest. He was a great dancer. He was also the quiet one of the group surprisingly. African American, he stood 5'7. His skin the color of milk chocolate and a curly blond top complemented his head. Girls called him the "down to earth" one because he was such a sweetheart which was a fault to his ex , Briana, who had cheated on him.
"I feel you on that bro. Imma need more than one though", said Chresanto giving him dap. Chresanto  was the youngest, "the baby". He was Belizean  and had a light brown ,reddish ,blondish curly top to match his gorgeous face. Chresanto was known as the "heartbreaker" and "cocky" one of the group. No girl had ever been able to make him settle down. He was also the one who took no nonsense , especially from girls.  His skin was a rich caramel and his teeth were shiny, white ,and perfect. His eyes were a cool brown  and he had a muscular build that made the girls go crazy. 
"Come on ya'll",said Chresanto as they walked through the cafeteria. 
"Goddamn", said Ray staring at the P.H.A.T clique. "Who are they?" The boys all turned and looked their way. Chresanto  rolled his eyes. "That's the girl that made me move from her parking spot. Big ass mouth ! Probably got a rich daddy who spoils her." 
Ray rubbed his chin . "That's not the only thing big on her .She could call me daddy any day" 
"Now ya'll know that's all Chre! He likes girls with a little feistiness in them.", said Prod teasingly. "Chill", said Chres. "She got all that attitude and I ain't wit it." "Yea okay", said Prod unconvinced. "Let's just go introduce ourselves." The guys swaggered towards the girls table. "Oh my god ! Oh my god", said India hyperventilating. "They're coming over here."Neisha got  out her makeup mirror  and put some lipgloss on."Give me that!", Deja said as she snatched the mirror. "You look good already." India reached out for the mirror. "No I need it", she said snatching the mirror.  I  made a grab for the mirror to get them to stop bickering. "Guys chill" , I  yelled over them arguing with one another. "Play it cool!.. Stop ya'll! " We were  all tugging at the mirror and didn't even notice the boys coming over. "Ehem", Ray said. "Are we ... Interrupting something? " We let go, sat down and tried  to play it cool. "No ,no", I said  smoothing out my dress.  "Well, we're new here and we're looking for some people to show us around", said Ray. India looked at Ray dreamy eyed. "I'll show you around the school, my house, my bedroo-"I swear I could've punched her but instead I  kicked India under the table. "Ow! Goddamn .. I mean uhh cool", said India. "But we need to know your names first. Ray started to laugh. "You're funny! I like that. Fine as hell too. I'm Rayan. But you can just call me Ray."  Craig looked into each othe girls faces. "I'm Craig." "Jacob  looks up at the girls. "I'm Jacob. But you can call me Jay..or daddy". Chresanto elbowed him in the side. "I'm Chresanto.", said Chres. "But you can call me Chres or  Santo. Either or is fine with me"
Deja and the rest of the girls stood up. "Well I'm Deja. That's Neisha. That's India. And that's Kiara. Uhm can we see your schedules?
The boys handed each of us a schedule and we looked at them. "Switch!", I called out  looking at Rays schedule. "Switch!", called out Neisha looking at Prod's schedule. "Switch!", called out Deja looking at Prince's schedule. " Definitely switch!" called out India looking at Chres's schedule.  As we  switched papers, we read the schedules and were content with who we had. Well everyone except me. I read the paper relunctantly. Goddamn Chres. "I have all classes with Craig", said Deja shyly. Craig  winked at her. "Well I have all classes with Jay", said Neisha. "Mmm he fine too. Come on lil daddy!" PJacob  started to daydream "Damn!", he thought  to himself. "She's fine! . And those eyes and that smile? Jeez" Chres snapped his fingers in front of Jacob. "Uhm hello", he said. "Earth to  Jacob." Prince snapped out of his daze."Oh ! uh yea.", he said. "Cool with me." "Ooh yes", said India excitedly. "I'm with that fine piece of chocolate over there! Lord my dreams have- I mean uhhh yea I have all classes with Ray" She looked down, embarrassed.  Ray laughed loudly. "She's too cute " , he said to himself. "Her small eyes. I can tell she's Asian or something. And those lips and that caramel skin. Maybe I'll get to see how they taste." "Cool with me", he said to India.  "Peace Roc", said Craig. They all headed off to their classes except Chres and I . "Well ", I  said awkwardly. "I guess that leaves us. "Are you gonna be nice to me this time?", Chres asked flirtingly. "Maybe ? And if I'm not? ,I challenged. Your mouth is ridiculous ", Chres said  as they began to walk down the hall.

No One Knows ft. Mindless BehaviorWhere stories live. Discover now