Chapter 13: Get Up. Survive. Go to bed. Sleep. Repeat.

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Many months passed. I still didn't get a single text from her.

The debate competition was cancelled. I stopped being responsive in class. Even my grades fell.

I was depressed,  there was no fun in my life. There was no glory in it.

"Get up, survive, go to bed, sleep, repeat" became my moto. I began hating myself. I was all dull and charmless. Your history and what you actually are does affect your physical appearance.

There was not a single person in my class whose interests matched with mine ones.

"Hey, do you like metals!?" I asked everyone enthusiastically.

All replied me the same:

"Metals? What? What are those? Oh, mine favorite metal is copper. This is a weird question."

"Do you like bboying?"

"What's that bruh? "


The tastes of music of my class was way too boring and traditional. How was I supposed to interact with others? There were no common interests at all. I took the road of silence. I rarely got involved in conversations with others.

Almost 4 and a half months passed. I was still depressed. I still couldn't stop thinking of my past. I always tried to run away from it.

Then came teachers' day. I took part in its celebration. I wanted to ignite a spark of learning guitar among everyone. So I decided to take part. I practiced and practiced for a whole week. Finally the day came. I took my electric and started playing it in front of my teachers. 

They seemed to enjoy it. However, it lasted for only about 15 seconds. My E, 1st string of my guitar broke! It was very embarrassing! What did my life want from me? It kept depressing me... deeper and deeper.

After 6 months, our school's annual function was near. Each class had to perform either a dance or a song on the stage for the function. The only dance art form I was good in was bboying but there was no place for bboying in this school. I preferred playing my guitar over singing songs, though I was a quite good singer. I love metal death growling! They are very harsh vocals. I started learning them from the Internet.

An incredible idea strucked my head, of creating a band! Just like in my previous school. First of all, I needed 2 guitarists at least, 1 of them a bassist too. I inspired 2 guys in my class to learn the guitar. They were Jeff and Weyman. Later, we three became good friends. This was the beginning of my ending of my depression.

We three hunted for a drummer and a singer. The drummer was from 10th grade. He was ready to play with us. He too wanted an opportunity to show his talent to the school. Our vocalist was a 10th grader too. Her voice was so damn melodious!  She was perfect for our band. 

We even needed the permission of our principal. 

I took this over me.

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