I like to eat...

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(*Beca's P.O.V*)

"Oh man, this is so good! Pizza is totes my favourite thing to eat!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Yeah, pizza is my second favourite thing to eat." I said with a smirk on my face.

Emily looked confused, as she asked, "What's your favourite thing to eat then?"

"Legacy..." Amy said, a warning that she may not want to know what I was indicating.

I winked at Chloe, and she blushed even redder than her hair.

"Oh god guys, is that where all the screaming comes from at night? Gross."
Emily really did look disgusted, but I guess thats what happens when you're a squeamish virgin.

"Beca!" Chloe told me off. Wow, mad Chloe really turns me on.

"What? It's true! I do like to eat..." I stopped because Chloe gave me the look. Stop right now or pizza WILL be the ONLY thing you are eating tonight.

Yeah. I can't risk that!

"So, guys. Wanna play a game?" Chloe asks. I definitely know where this is going. Someone's gonna ask what game, she'll say 'How about truth or dare?' Everyone will say no, then she'll shrug and get some more alcohol. Chloe will ask again, when we're more tipsy. Just you wait.

"Yeah, what game Chloe?" Amy said in her aussie accent.

"How about truth or dare?" Called it.

"No! No! No, thank you I mean."

"Jeez, Legacy, no need to be so insistent." Chloe frowned, and got up to get more drinks.

As soon as we'd all downed another few shots, she asked again.

"We should play truth or dare!"

"O-M-Aca-G! We should! Ha ha. Truth or dare. That rhymes!" Emily laughed, obviously this was the first time she'd been drunk. Everyone talks about rhymes on their first time.

"Okay! I'll start. Beca! Truth or dare? Wait no, I'll choose. I dare you to kiss me!" Chloe giggled.

I smirked, and leaned across Emily, who hurriedly moved back. "Gladly." I smashed my lips against Chloe's, but then stopped when she started groping my breasts. In front of the Bellas!

"Hey, now, save that for later babe." I winked, and she frowned but then her face lit up.

"Okay, Amy, truth or dare?" I asked the Australian.

"Duh, dare."

"I dare you to... down a shot of vodka!" She laughed at me, got up and walked over to the drinks table we had set up.

"One? DJ, I'll do more than one!"

"That's what she said." Lily whispered, sitting in the corner.

Okay then.

We all watched as Amy downed two, no, three, four? Okay five is a bit much.

"Hey, aussie, I think you should stop there." I yelled, I didn't want her to get hurt.

Amy toddled over back to the circle, and sat between me and Emily.

"Right then, Emily! Truth or dare?" I knew she would pick truth, coward she is.

"Uh, truth." Once again, called it.

"Have you done it yet?" I asked, leaning forward to hear her answer.

"Um-" She coughed, as though to try and conceal her answer. "No."

There was an awkward silence, as none of us knew what to say to that.

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