Alex~ Fix Me

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I moaned as a migraine shot through my temples, the smell of morphine mixing with someone's distant voice. "YN, are you awake yet?" It asked, the concerned tone forcing my heavy eyelids to rise slowly. The well lit hospital room looked boring and stale, Alex's face was the only thing that gave the room meaning to me. "Mhhmm.." I moaned, scratching at my needle poked arm. Memories of the horrible accident flooded and overwhelmed my mind, making me feel helpless once again. "Alex..what are you doing here?" I asked. I had had just about the biggest crush there could be on him, we were close, but not close enough that I thought he would visit me in the hospital. "I heard about what happened." He explained, softly moving the hair out of my eye's. "I came to see if you were alright." I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks, my heartbeats on the monitor beginning to quicken. "Oh.." I softly whispered, making him chuckle. I felt my eyelids slide back down as he gently put his arms around me. "Rest YN, I'll be here when you wake up." He promised, kissing the top of my head.

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