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A ten year old girl peeked around the corner hoping not to be caught. She wore black glasses, a black shirt, gray pair of leggings, black and gray striped short skirt, and black shoes. She was always extremely pale and seemed to have a purplish glow that wasn't noticeable with the dark cloths she wore. She had naturally bone white hair and the greyest eyes you'd ever see. She almost constantly held an old tattered book to her chest.

The young girl was an orphan who went to see her mother's and father's graves every day. The only thing was she had to sneak out to do this. Why did she have to sneak about to visit the graves of her parents? Simple. She lived in a small town in Transylvania where everyone there was extremely superstitious. Though they had good reason to be. Nobody ever returned from the forest, no one but her, that is, though no one ever knew she went.

"Elisabeth! You need to tell me where you're going and be back by sunset!" called the orphanage care taker, Mrs. McLazy.

"Library!" she called back making a point to hold up the old book before heading in the general direction of the library. But when she reached the library she continued to walk on.

She was going to see her parents whom had become ghosts when they died a year earlier. Her mom sat waiting upon her grave in an emerald green long dress with long sleeves, long dark hair, and tan skin with a greenish glow. Her dad sat upon his grave in black suit that made his pale skin look paler and his messy short bone white hair looked like it didn't belong. Fangs were just visible when he smiled at his daughter.

Elisabeth, or Lis for short, never had gotten fangs but she did have un-naturally pointy teeth, almost dog like, where her fangs would have been. She was able to do magic because her mother was a witch, which is where she got her purple glow.

"Hello, Lis. Did anyone see you?" her mom asked carefulness in her voice.

"Hi, Mamma. No one saw me. 'No human can ever find out about your visits or who we really were.' I know. You remind me every time." Lis sat between her parents and opened her book. "Hi, Daddy. Can you two help me with this spell?

"Sure, sweetie," her dad said caringly.

Lis stayed with her parents for the rest of the day and lost track of time. Before she knew it was growing dark and she was late. She said good bye to her parents and started out for the village again.

But Lis must have taken a wrong turn because though she was to be in the narrowest part of the forest she could feel it growing thicker around her when it was supposed to be thinning. She started to get scared. She paused to clean her glasses and dropped them. Crouching to find her glasses, she heard the snap of a twig behind her. CRACK! She stepped on her glasses. Putting them on she looked back and through the unbroken lens she could see a tall dark figure. She walked faster but the figure continued to follow her.

Suddenly, something grabbed the back of her shirt and she was flying. She looked down and saw that she had almost walked off a cliff. She was almost blinded with fear until the small figure of a vampire bat looked down at her face it's blue eyes full of comfort.

"Are you alright?" asked the bat, his voice soft and comforting. He had a thick Romanian accent that was so much like her fathers that it was comforting on its own to Elisabeth.
Y-yes, sir," stuttered Lis, avoiding looking back into his face. She was trying not to let herself think about the fact that she was at least 50 feet above any solid land.

"Why is such a young girl as yourself wondering the forest at this late an hour?"

"I w-was visiting m-my p-parents' graves and I l-lost t-track of t-time," she stuttered as she thought of it. "T-then I d-dropped my glasses and s-stopped to pick them u-up. That's w-when I s-saw a dark f-figure f-following me so I p-picked up m-my p-pace," she sobbed. Lis was having trouble not thinking about how high up she was.

"I didn't mean to scare you. Where do you live?"

Lis paused for a moment. It hadn't occurred to her that the little bat who had just saved her life was the same person who had spooked her. "I-I live in the orphanage in the little village in the huge c-clearing."

The bat flew silently no longer looking at Lis at all. They were flying for about 10 minutes before landing on the front steps of the orphanage. She took one step away form him and looked at him, avoiding his eyes. He had turned into a human and she noticed the fangs in his now cold, hard expression and looked at his feet as she said, "Thank you for saving me and bringing me home."

"Your welcome. Just never go into the forest again."

"Yes, sir." Lis said even more at ease noticing the man looked about her father's age [though it is always hard to tell with vampires] only a little taller and wore a cape with the long collar turned up so it appeared to protrude from his neck.

Suddenly the door opened and the man disappeared. "Elisabeth! Where have you been? I was so worried! Are you alright?" a frantic Mrs. McLazy said pulling her close.

"I'm alright, Mrs. McLazy. I went to see my parents' graves and lost track of time." Lis recounted everything that had happened to her.

When she had finished the story Mrs. Lazy said, "But that's not possible. You were the only one outside. I looked thought the window. It must have been your imagination. I'm sure it was ready to go after all day at the library. You had best get to bed before you fall asleep."

"Yes, ma'am." Lis knew she was right and that she hadn't imagined it but she stayed silent and went to bed.


So I bet you all didn't know this, but I searched for HT fanfics here on Wattpad before I wrote this and I couldn't find any. So I like to credit myself with the first HT fan fic on here! I mean, you might find an older one but I couldn't sooooo.... life.

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