34. Decisions

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Selena's Point of View

It's crazy how our decisions effect so much of our lives.

If I had never made the decision to go out with Dylan back in the day then maybe I would have found another nice guy and eventually settled down with him. I most likely wouldn't have run away from home and probably would have been pretty happy with my life.

If I didn't make the decision to get off the bus at the exact moment I did, I probably never would have met Harry or Lilly or any of my new friends, for that matter.

If I didn't decide to be alone the last few minutes before my wedding then I probably would have never gotten kidnapped and risked the lives of those I love.

If I didn't decide to jump in front of the bullet Dylan shot then Lilly would probably be dead and I wouldn't currently be loaded into an ambulance right now, not knowing if I was going to survive or not.

See? Decisions are pretty odd things that play such an important role in our lives.

I'm glad for all of the decisions I've made, though. Sure, some weren't very smart ones, but had I not made them my life wouldn't be what it is now. I wouldn't have Eddie, Lilly could have been dead, and I would have never of met Harry.

I don't mind so much if I die now. I mean, I hope I survive so I can be with everyone I love and grow up with them, but at least if I die now, I'd die happy. I have everything I could ever wish for and more. The most amazing guy, a beautiful family, the bestest of friends; truly everything. I never would of imagined my life being this way -- but I'm so glad that it has taken this route.

My eyes were beginning to droop, and my vision was getting hazy as I felt myself on the verge of losing consciousness. I felt a warm hand gently, but at the same time tightly, holding on to mine, as if it were a desperate cling for me to stay there in the moment. I looked towards Harry, who was sitting beside me in the back of the ambulance, tears in his eyes. ''This is all my fault, I should have took the gun from him when he was down.'' he said, his voice sounding broken.

I shot him a small smile, gave his hand as tight of a squeeze as I could muster, and said what could possibly be the last words of my life. ''It's not your fault, you've always kept me safe.'''

His smile was the last thing I saw before completely blacking out.


Harry's Point of View

I've been sitting in a waiting room for nearly five hours now. Selena was still in surgery, and the doctors didn't know how she was going to make out. Lilly was sleeping in my lap, while Gregg was sitting beside me, his eyes closed as well with a sleeping Eddie in his carrier by Gregg's side.

It's been a long weekend full of all sorts of horror, I didn't blame them for wanting to sleep. I wanted to sleep as well and wake up in Hawaii, where I was supposed to be on my honeymoon with Selena had things gone as planned. But no, instead here I am sitting in a hospital, wondering if I'm ever even going to marry the girl.

I ran a hand through my messy mop of curls and sighed. I didn't know what to feel. She saved my daughters life, and risked her own at the same time. It was a messy situation.

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