16. Lies and Tears

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''Daddy, where are we going?'' Lilly worriedly asked from the backseat of the car.

''I'm dropping you off at Niall's.'' I said angrily.

''Why? What's wrong?'' she asked.

''Nothing. I just have to speak with someone, okay?''

''Is it Sydney?'' she asked.

I ignored her and just kept driving. After a few minutes we finally arrived at Niall's house and I quickly brought Lilly inside.

''Thanks again for watching her.'' I said to Niall.

''Yeah, no problem.'' He said with a nod. ''Come on, Lilly. Let's go watch some TV.''

Lilly followed Niall, looking back at me with an expression I've never seen directed at me before by her. She looked scared.

I sighed and got in the car anyway, I didn't have time to convince Lilly that what I was doing wasn't wrong.

After a couple of minutes I finally pulled up into Sydney's driveway. I slammed the car door shut and began pounding on her front door.

''I'll be there in a minute!'' she shouted, but I continued to knock anyway.

Finally the door creaked open and Sydney stood there with a towel wrapped around her head and was wearing grey sweatpants along with a white, long sleeved shirt. 

''Oh, sorry, Harry. I was just getting out of the shower when you knocked, come on i-'' she began saying before I cut her off.

''Is your name really Sydney?'' I asked as tears pricked at my eyes.

Her face fell and she looked at me. ''Wha..what?''

''You heard me.'' I replied angrily.

She then looked down, ''You should come in..''


Harry looked at me with a look full of pain and anger.

''Answer the damn question.'' He spat.

I felt my heart rate speed up out of nerves and nodded no, while still looking down.

''Gosh, you don't even have the decency to admit it to my face. Look me in the eyes and tell me.''

I looked up, tears starting to fill my eyes. ''N..no. My name's... not Sydney.''

He looked up at me with anger and then turned around and started heading back to his car.

''Harry, wait!'' I called, chasing after him. ''Let me explain!''

''Explain what? That your real name is Selena and that you're a criminal?'' he shouted. ''I can't believe I ever let you into my life. You should be ashamed! You can't just move to a new town and change your name and act like the thing's in your past never happened!''

I began crying as he said this and just listened to all that he had to say. I knew I should have left when I had the chance. I knew it.

''Don't just stand there and cry!'' he shouted. ''Say something!''

''What do you want me to say?'' I asked as tears poured down my face.

''The truth, for once. Or are you incapable of that?''

I turned and looked away from him, unable to find the right words to explain. 

''Gosh, Sydn-Selena. I really liked you, you know that? I thought I could trust you. I left you alone with the one person I really only care about yesterday. What if something happened to her because of you?''

''I know, I'm sorry! I thought I was careful though and safe here but-''

''You'll never be safe. You can't hide from your past. You belong in jail.'' he spat.

''What are you talking about? It's not like I committed a crim-''

He then threw a piece of paper at me from his pocket. ''I'm only telling you about this because my daughter idolizes you and she'd be devastated knowing you're in jail here in her hometown. So for Lilly, me, and everyone else you've lied to, just do us all a favor and leave.'' And with that he got into his car and began driving away.

I knelt down and picked up the crumbled up piece of paper and gasped when I read it. Dylan must have done this.

Although Harry was upset over me for believing I was a murderer, he still was right with all of the things he said. 

I couldn't just come here with a new name thinking everything would be okay again. I had a past that I was tired of running from and it wasn't fair not to be the real me with the only people I've ever really cared about.

I sat down in my driveway crying for a while, just thinking about what a mess I was and had caused, until it started to rain. Still upset about everything, I continued to sit down and let the rain wash over me.

After about an hour I was so cold that I was shaking, so I decided to go back inside. Immediately I went straight for a suitcase and began packing. I couldn't stay here, not anymore. Even if Harry knew the real truth, I'm sure he still wouldn't want me here. I was putting him and everyone I loved in danger by staying here and I couldn't risk that.

Once I had a few clothing items and such packed, I called and made arrangements to take a boat out of town tomorrow morning.


I awoke the next morning in the same damp clothes from yesterday and stood up, looking at myself in the mirror. I had bright red, puffy eyes from all the crying and my hair was a mess. But I didn't care. I didn't care about anything anymore.

I grabbed my suitcase and before leaving the house I called Demi and left her a voice mail.

''Hi, Demi. It's Selena. Harry found out who I am yesterday and he's asked me to leave town. Although he's only asking because he thinks I'm a murderer because of Dylan's fancy cop tricks, he's right. I can't keep putting you all in danger like I have been. If Dylan ever found me, he'd...well, who knows what he would do..it wouldn't be good, that's all I know. Anyway, it was nice meeting you and everyone, you guys have literally been like family to me and I'm gonna miss that. I should probably go now since I have a boat to catch. But just one last thing, please don't ever tell anyone my real story, just let me leave without anyone feeling bad.... Bye.''

And with that I hung up the phone, grabbed my bag, and began walking towards the pier where I'd be getting on the boat and leaving this town and all of the people in it behind.


Woah, four chapters in one day?

So, yup. This chapter I tried to make intense..so hopefully it was? I'm sorry if this chapter seemed super quick and rushed, it's just I really didn't want it to drag on so I got right to the point with everything.

Anyway, please vote, follow, and comment any ideas/opinions you have!

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