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I stared at my reflection. I had just dried my black wavy hair, and braided it. I tossed it to the left side of my neck. I pulled on some brick red capris, a white, racer back tank top, and went downstairs.

" Morning, Ruby. " I looked up from tying up my Red 11's on the couch. I smiled. " Hey, mom. I'm just gonna go out to the park today, is that okay? "

She placed a hand on her hip and blew a a strand of black hair that cascaded down, in front of her nose. " Okay, just make sure you're home by sun down, okay? "
I nodded as I grabbed a granola and opened the door. " Si, mami! " We're Dominicans. We both speak English very well, but we still communicate in Spanish from time to time.

I walked a few blocks down and entered the park. By the time I was there, I finished my snack, so I headed toward the trash can.

I reached towards it, wrapper in my hand. I felt another bump into mine.

" Oh, my bad. Sorry about that. "
I looked up from my hand, and saw a wonderful sight.

The soft, large hand that touched mine belonged to a tall, slightly tanned Asian man. He had a bit of stubble, and a man bun with the sides, and back, of his head shaved.

Holy fuck he's hot.

" Oh, uh. It's okay. " I gently caressed my braid. It was a habit I had, when I was nervous. I usually didn't have crushes, although it was normal for a 17 year old to. But this guy.... Oh my god.

He gave me a big smile. " I'm Leon. What's your name? "

" Ruby... "
" What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl. "
My eyes widened. Me? Beautiful? No. Nope. Nah.

" Hey, I've got to go. " He rested his forearm on my head. He was well over 6 feet tall, while I was just 4'10. I haven't grown an inch since 4th grade, and now I'm a senior in highschool. The shortest senior in my school.

" I'll see you around, Ruby. " And with that, he gave another dazzling smile and walked off.


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