The tanned hide of the white-tailed deer was now stretched tightly on a makeshift square as the smoke from a small fire permeated it. The meat were cut, the antlers set aside, the organs and bones cleaned, sinews and tendons were hung up to dry. It wasn't in Rose's nature to waste a resource and especially a large deer that was hard to come by these days.
It gave her something to do... humans were social creatures. Without any social interaction or contact, people could be driven mad within days. Beside Rose was trained to spend long amount of times to herself by doing hard work and keeping her mind busy. Yet... for the first time in her entire life, she felt utterly alone. Months and months of traveling with a group and providing for them had finally taken its toll on Rose. But not in a way that people would expect.
There was no low hum of chatter in the morning when she woke up. Nobody around to incessantly ask questions about her past. Nobody to pester her about trivial things like joining the group during downtime or have a second helping of food. The quiet moments with Rick, discussing their next moves. God... Rick was so patient with her. So respectful of her needs and space. The way Carl's face lit up each time she entered the room with a comic book and his silly questions. There was Hershel, who had embraced her as one of his own daughters.
And most of all... Daryl.
Rose missed everything about him. The way he smelled like freshly chopped wood and sweat. His dark stormy blue eyes that sent jolts throughout Rose's body every time their eyes met. That annoying redneck drawl he had. The way he held her in his arms as if nothing could ever come in between them. His lips that were demanding and possessive yet tender. Her mind even dared to venture down deeper, remembering the way he felt in her hands. The way she made him feel.
Overall... Rose knew she was screwed no matter what. She wasn't taught to be social. She's socially awkward. Intolerant. She could sit for hours waiting for her target to be in place however she didn't have the patience for small talk. Socializing with people who cared about her scared the hell out of her. Rose just didn't know how to emerge into society or whatever is left of this society. The minute she bolted from the prison, she should've gone as far as her feet would carry her. But she didn't. Instead, she set up camp nearby with a clear line of vision of the prison. Perhaps this was better for her.
Every once in a while, she'd stop by and check on them. Maybe bring them the fruits of her labor. Food. Clothes. Other essentials. Spend some time with them. But when she's ready, Rose would simply leave them for couple days and have her own space. It seems like a win-win situation.
Back at the prison, Rick had finally decided to rejoin the society just in time to welcome a newcomer to the group. A dark brooding African American female that reminded the group so much about Rose. She even had the one katana sword over her shoulder. Michonne had arrived with a shopping basket filled with baby formulas for Lil' Ass Kicker and bad news that had sent the group in disarray.
Everybody was worried that this pressure might send Rick off to the deep end once again. They needed Rose. Apparently, Daryl's brother, Merle was still alive and had kidnapped Maggie and Glenn. But Rose wasn't there. Rick muttered quietly, "How do you know we can trust her?"
"This is Maggie and Glenn. Why are we even debating?" Hershel protested. It was unthinkable. His own daughter kidnapped. This was when they needed Rose. Rose would've probably left the minute she found out that Maggie and Glenn were gone. Without her, the group was weak. Without her, the group had to weigh the pros and cons before entering into a possibly violate situation. Hershel had been quite torn with his decision to give his blessings for Rose to leave. He pitied her and saw her as a wild animal that shouldn't be caged. But yet at the same time... they needed her whether if it meant caging her.
The Black Rose
FanfictionShe was Aurélien Emerwen Rose. Her hair was like a blazing flame, and tumbled down in tightly woven ringlets to her waist. Whenever it clashed with the sun, it gave off a shiny light so powerful that it was almost blinding. Almost as if she was eter...